Chapter 1- Introduction

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"Hundred naira!! Last price! ".

"This girl you want to spoil my market abi? I'm not going below 150 naira".

Who does this one think he is? Me, pay 150 for ordinary film. But....for Lee min hoo.

"OK I'll take the two for 250". Folding my hands I wait for him to do the calculation.

Rubbing his hand on his forehead he finally concedes."Fine take it. Just carry your bad market and go". He packs the two DVDs and exchanges it for my money. "Ahn, ahn this is 200 naira".

"Ehn you see". I say already backing away from the shop. "I only brought 200 naira with me but I promise I'll pay you later. Thank you!"

I take off with him yelling my name behind me.

I get home with a big smile on my face. I and Akpan have a special relationship and I say special because I'm the only customer he allows to owe him, and trust me when I say I owe him a lot of fifty naira balances. Must be the fact that he likes to call me his future wife, but let's not dwell on other things when I have two seasons of city hunter waiting for me.

Walking into my room, I lock the door before settling down in front of my small TV and DVD. The movie had just started when there is knock on my door and with lightning speed I switch of the TV and DVD, hide the CDs in my wardrobe, at the same time I grab my chemistry textbook before calming down enough to open the door.

Turning up her nose my stepmother precariously walks in like I had a dead body in here.

Well if I had my way there would be two dead bodies buried six feet under in my backyard.

She looks around slowly as if looking for something out of order in my immaculate room.

"We will be going to Lagos this Saturday to buy cloths so get ready", with that she turns around and walks out quickly. Locking the door behind her I mimic her steps as I move to my bed and flop down on it.

My step mother is to put it plainly a bitch but she isn't as bad as the fifteen year old copy of her-Ajoke or Amelia as she likes being called. Together mother and daughter make my life a living hell, they both like to go out of their way to put me apart from them. No grand parties, or highly decorated room, or expensive elite school for me. Instead I attend a nearby private school which is better than the public school she wanted to send me to, she only changed her mind because she was worried what people will say if they found out, at least now she can always use the excuse of me wanting to be closer to home when people ask why I'm not attending the same elite boarding school as Amelia. And since I lost my mother when I was just a baby and my father died six years ago I have no one to save me from their witchery. But all those aside my life is going great!!!
After binge watching city hunter from Monday to Friday I am mentally prepared to endure the long car ride to Lagos with my step family. It helped thinking of Lee min hoo and his handsome face. I would have thought of him shirtless but just looking at him I know he has nothing to offer in that department so I'll just have make do with his face. Maybe if I attached his face to a shirtless photo of! The contrasting skin colour is hideous. I involuntarily shiver.

We get to Lagos without drama and my stepmother parks the car at an eatery and we all come down. She hands fifty thousand Naira to our housekeeper-Anjola before she and Amelia hed to the boutique opposite the eatery which they frequent every time we come to Lagos. Our housekeeper-Anjola is here to help with the pricing and ensure I come back in one piece to our rendezvous in front of the eatery.

We first buy the things I need for my resumption into a new session, after which I finally start shopping for more interesting things like adding to my collection of sandals and any other thing that catches my eye and when there is still money left Anjola convinces me to buy a dress. Not that I have anything against dresses, I just don't have any need for it since I never go out and my stepmother isn't exactly a church fanatic, besides why would someone choose breezy gowns over comfortable, fitting trousers.

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