Chapter 10-

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For the next few days I am able to adjust to the school schedule which is something considering that I've never attended a boarding school before. But I still can't seem to be able to get my body to understand that waking up at 5:30 am is of major importance, especially to the house mistress. It's a fight we have every morning but we'll get there.

In other news Tobi hasn't tried to flirt with me and it seems like he has completely left me alone. Which is a good thing because Amelia approached me yesterday warning me about associating with bad company (which in other words means Patricia and Emmanuella) and not to even think of flirting with Tobi and I quietly told her to go and hug transformer.

Of course that didn't go down well with her but at least she left me alone.

It's two weeks after resumption on a Friday and the English teacher decides to set the surprise test on consonant sounds today of all days!!!!

For God sake!! Let us enjoy the last day of the week na!!!!!

She couldn't have done that on Wednesday when Mr Akanji- our math teacher used up half of her period on one stupid correction. Wednesday was also the last time I studied the consonant sounds.

Lucky for me I had a miracle worker beside me who helped me with the consonant sounds I couldn't remember. So what was going to be a dreary Friday turned out to be a cheery Friday.


We have sports today so the entire senior class is on the football field. Mr Lawrence made us jog from one end of the football field to the other five times!!!! Before leaving the senior prefects in charge which of course led to the boys taking over and having a football match between themselves while the girls loiter around.

Patricia, Emmanuella and I copy other girls and take chairs from our classroom so we can sit under the trees and watch the boys play.

"Did you hear about the love letter Amina wrote to Mr Banji", Emmanuella whispers after we take our seat.

"Which letter?", Patricia asks.

"I heard Felicia talking about it so I asked her and she gave me the full gist. She said that Amina wrote the letter to Mr Banji and put it in his lesson note after biology class. She was supposed to return the note to Mr Banji herself but Mr Lawrence sent her on an errand so it was Felicia who returned it instead. Felicia said she thank God she looked inside the note before returning it, she even said Amina signed it as his secret admirer".

"That girl is stupid. It's because Mr Banji jokes with her that's why she has the audacity to do something like that", Patricia says frowning, "doesn't she know that Miss Florence and Mr Banji are dating?"

"We not yet sure about that", Emmanuella replies.

"But they should be dating. They look cute together".

Did I forget to mention that these two are high class gossips. Not that I'm complaining, it's nice to listen to the latest school gist without having to contribute to the conversation.

On the field the boys are still playing, screaming at each other either to pass the ball or tackle an opponent. They are playing in sets, where there are three teams and whichever team loses is replaced by the next team. Currently, Richard and Emmanuel are in the same team playing against another team while Tobi is in the team waiting to replace the losing team. By now I'm familiar with most of my classmate and can spot them playing on the field.

Not long after Richard and Emmanuel's team lose to their opponents 2-1 and are immediately replaced by Tobi's team. Most of the boys join us under the tree after the match including Richard and Emmanuel. They don't sit far from us, most of them leaning on the trees, some going as far as laying on the ground.

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