Chapter 6- I Want To Go Home

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Clang! Clang!! Clang!!!

"Everybody up!", clang, clang, clang!!!!

Groaning I turn so I'm laying on my back. Which deranged human saw it fit to play with a bell this early in the morning.

Then it all comes back to me that I'm not at home anymore but in a freaking boarding school, and my precious sleep is at the mercy of whoever is holding that bell.

I hear groaning, followed by shuffling and I see what seems to be figures dragging themselves around the room until one of them reaches for the light switch and the figures become my roommates. They look just as tired as I feel.

"You better get up before the house mistress comes in", Emmanuella says between a yawn before reaching for the door handle, missing a few times until she finally gets it and trudges out of the room followed by zombified Patricia and Naomi.

After having a battle between my sleep deprived body and my conscience I finally get up, get my toiletries and join the line of sleeping zombies on their way to the bathroom.

Some girls I pass greet me and I greet them back. They are my classmates. Emmanuella and Patricia took me on a tour of the school yesterday and introduced me to most of my classmates. But they weren't really interested in meeting the new girl until they found out that Amelia and I share the same surname and realised we were sisters (which I corrected immediately and told them we were step sisters with emphasis on the step). Suddenly everyone wanted to talk to me, snooping around for anything on I and Amelia's life. Patricia had called it an unfortunate tragedy when she found out about my relation to Amelia.

After cleaning up I hed back to my room to meet Patricia, Emmanuella and Naomi already dressed and ready to leave so I had to dress quickly so I can walk with them.

The school uniform is a light blue shirt topped with a dark blue tie, dark blue blazer and a dark blue pleated skirt. The school even has its own socks which is dark blue with a light blue stripe at the top and the letters JESS written in dark blue on it.

If you ask me the whole uniform is a bit excessive or haven't they heard of a simple shirt, tie and skirt? And what is with the obsession with the colour blue? Of course that is what I'll say if anyone asked me but since no one asked.........

We all head to the dining hall which is quite far from the girls hostel but is closer to the classrooms. The hall is just as large inside as it is outside and the tables are arranged so that we have six chairs to a table, with a counter at the far back where the cooks stand behind and dish our food.

Emmanuella, Patricia and I sat together during last night dinner along with three of my classmates who were still looking for gist on Amelia. That is until Patricia told them their amebo presence was irritating her.

She is not a very nice person.

Thankfully our seat partners today are unknown non classmates who have no interest in Amelia or me.

We had just sat down when I spot Tobi, Richard and Emmanuel sitting at another table far from us. Good, Tobi and Richard are the last people I want to see right now.

"Idiot", Patricia hisses beside me, staring daggers at an unsuspecting Emmanuel,"even if the world ends I will still not apologise to you", she hisses again.

"E don do", Emmanuella nugdes her as our three seat mates give her weird glances.

At that moment a man and woman walk into the hall, halting all conversations.

"Good morning students", the woman says and the entire hall replies with a "good morning ma".

"Welcome back to school and for the new student welcome to our school. I am your house mistress Miss Florence and this is Mr Banji your house master", she gestures to the man beside her who reacts with a curt nod, "you have been placed under our care and we will ensure we fulfill our responsibilities to the fullest as long as you cooperate with us. Please obey the rules and if you have any problem you can come to us".

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