Part Two-Guilt

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"Oya! Let's go, let's go", stepmother yells as I hurry out of the house with my luggage. Throwing them into the backseat I jump in as well and step mother drives off.

Leaning into the car seat I try to take a nap, key word try. I can't get my nerves to calm down, my mind is on overdrive. And of course there is only one reason for my jittery nerves- Tobi. I had successfully pushed him out of my life but not out of my mind, Richard's last words kept replaying in my head so I had spent the rest of the holiday wallowing in guilt. It's not a good feeling.

Ever noticed how whenever you're anticipating something time seems to slow down, but speeds up when you're dreading an event or activity. You haven't? Well I have because it's happening right now.

Unsurprisingly time has teamed up with fate in this mission to cause me unnecessary trouble and all kinds of awkwardness. As step mother parks I see Mrs Adetoye bidding Tobi goodbye. Of course Amelia wastes no time jumping out of the car, and straight to Tobi. And in record time to.

And me? I'm frozen in my seat, to scared to move even a muscle in case Tobi notices and that spurs him to match up to me and demand an explanation, after which Mrs Adetoye will find out how horrible I have been to her son and shun me for the rest of my life, and next thing I know Tobi is dating Amelia and planning a future......wait, wait, hold up! Eni suru! Where is all this coming from?

"You don't owe anyone anything Miracle so man up!", I whisper to myself and lift my head higher for added effect.

"Where is Miracle?", I hear Mrs Adetoye ask and my head immediately ducks down. Great manning up.

"Miracle! What are you doing in there?", Mrs Adetoye calls out to me and I bend even lower, "Miracle", God doesn't this woman give up.

Suddenly the car door is thrown open and Mrs Adetoye gives me a curious look probably wondering what I'm doing squatting on the car floor.

"I.....I was looking for my earpiece", I quickly say as I immediately straighten myself and climb out of the car as Mrs Adetoye pulls me into a hug. Turning my head I notice that Tobi is no where to be found. Oh thank God he left!


"Ma? Good afternoon ma. So nice to see you again", I throw her a smile, my shoulders sagging with relief.

"Nice to see you too dear. I was asking how you are?"

"Fine! Wonderful!", quickly pulling away I say, "I have to pack my things now", I quickly pull out my luggage and start dragging it down the passage completely ignoring the little pang of sadness I feel at Tobi's absence.

After dragging my load all the way to my hostel I am beyond exhausted so I'm not prepared for the drama I meet when I open my room door.

"Stop! Who are you?", Patricia literally screams, nearly knocking my heart out of my chest.

"Do I know you?", she asks when my only reply to her former question is a baffled look.

"What is this?", I ask.

"This is Patricia misbehaving even after I asked her not to", Emanuella says and comes over to help me with my luggage.

"That is not Miracle because the Miracle I know who is my friend will not completely ignore me on whatsapp even though I sent her a thousand messages!"

Right, I had ignored Patricia and Emmanuella's calls and texts all through the rest of the holiday. I just knew they were going to ask questions I didn't have it in me to answer.

Exhaling, I sink into my bed, "I'm sorry?", I try.

"Just sorry? Madam you turned Tobi into an emotional wreck and then ghosted us. Sorry is not enough".

Wincing at the Tobi part I say, "I am terribly sorry for deciding to keep my business to myself rather than sharing with my friends who should have understood that I did not want to talk about what happened".

Frowning she says, "we are your friends, we kept calling because we care".

"And like a friend you should have understood that I needed some space and would talk when I'm ready".

She stares at me, almost like she is getting ready for a fight but then sighs and looks down, "I'm sorry, I should have been more understanding".

"I'm sorry too. I shouldn't have shut you guys out. If it helps I brought Bon Bons for both of you".

"And all is forgiven", Emanuela pipes up, she immediately drags my luggage closer to me, smiling like a loon.

"Well do you want to talk about it now", Patricia asks.

"It's nothing much, I felt the whole flirting thing was getting to serious so I put a stop to it", I shrug as I look for the Bob Bons. They were actually for me but it felt best to give it out as a peace offering. Emanuella and Patricia were growing on me.

"I heard Richard tell my brother that Tobi bought you a necklace", Emmanuella says.

"Well it's not with me anymore. When Tobi gave me that necklace it indicated something more serious than just flirting".

"Maybe because it was", Patricia says carefully.

"Which I didn't want", I quickly say, "found it", I triumphantly bring out Bon Bons and Emmanuella immediately grabs it which leads to Patricia telling her not to hog it all. And just like that all is forgotten. If only a pack of Bon Bons could help me avoid Tobi the rest of the school year.

Wow! Finally updated after so long. No vex! I've just been dealing with things (adulthood is not easy people).

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