Chapter 34- Richard's secret

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The next day, I wake up just as exhausted as I was last night. Patricia and Emmanuella are already awake, packing their things. We are leaving today.

   “I already helped you pack your things,” Emmanuella says when she notices that I’m awake.

   “Thanks,” I tell her.

   “You should go and take your bath. My dad said we are leaving soon,” Patricia says as she tries to zip her obviously full luggage. She frowns at the bag when it doesn’t zip, “Can I put some of my things in your bag?”

   “Sure,” I say already walking into the bathroom.

   When I come out, our food has already been served. So I quickly dress up before taking my seat in front of the food.

   “We were waiting for you. Their plantain and egg can’t compare to mine but it’s ok,” Patricia tells me and I immediately dig in.

   “Calm down, it’s not running anywhere,” Emmanuella exclaims at my eating.

   “I thought you said we will be leaving soon,” I ask with my mouth full. Emmanuella makes a disgusted face and ignores me.

  We eat in silence when, “Miracle remember when I told you my mom and dad were divorced?” Patricia suddenly says out of the blue.

   “Yeah, what about it?” I reply.

   Her face is suddenly etched with pain, “My mom and dad divorced when I was three. My dad didn’t have a job and had relied on alcohol to ease his worries. Immediately after the divorce my mom took me with her to London. She told me it was for the best I stayed away from my dad, that he was a bad person. And of course I believed her. So I lived with her for eight years, my mom remarried and had children with her new husband, they were very happy. But I felt completely left out, like I didn’t belong so I started acting out, my mom and I were constantly fighting. Then one day I told her I wanted to come back to Nigeria, she didn’t even question it and put me on the next plane here.”

   “I…I’m sorry. You must have gone through so much,” I say

   “Well I came back to dad. I was expecting the same drunkard I left behind years ago but instead met a devoted man of God. At first things were very awkward and I kept causing trouble but he was very patient with me. Miracle what I’m trying to say is I needed this, the real reason I didn’t fit in with my step family was because I wanted the man beside my mom to be my biological dad and I got angry, I blamed him for the anger, pain, the loneliness I felt. I came to Nigeria to confront him but I ended up staying. Sometimes we shouldn’t run from our pain, sometimes confronting that anger or wretched feeling is what we really need. When you are ready to confront yours I want you to know that we’ll be by your side, you are not alone.”

   She takes a deep breath and returns to her food.

   “Thank you,” I say quietly and she smiles at me.

   After breakfast, we all pile into the bus and after a long prayer of thanks from Mr. Iyare we head out. Today Emmanuel is sitting in front with Mr. Iyare. Tobi sits at the back and hasn’t made any attempt to talk to me.

   Emmanuel and Mr.Iyare are talking about football and laughing in the front sit. I smile and lean forward from my position in the middle seat, “You guys really need that approval, don’t you?”

   Patricia scowls at me, “Shut up, I’m trying to listen to what they are saying. Do you know what they are talking about?”

   “Me? I don’t speak sports. Ask one of the guys.”

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