Chapter 22- Hide and Hide

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For the first time ever fate seems to be on my side as I don't see Tobi all week and it would have been a stellar week if Amelia wasn't using every opportunity she got to drop a snide comment or give me a malicious smirk. She has definitely upgraded her witch level.

Patricia and Emmanuella have thankfully not interfered or probed me with questions, they seem to be giving me space though they can tell that all is not well. If only fate had stayed on my side for much longer.

It's Saturday and I'm watching Patricia and Emmanuella on the basketball court, they had invited me to join them but I had declined since I am completely and utterly disastrous in the sports department. Suddenly I feel two shadows flanking me on both sides. I look up to see Richard and Emmanuel staring at me.

"What's up?", they both take their sits on either side of me.

"Just because you and Tobi have gone to great lengths to avoid each other doesn't mean we can't still be friends", Richard says.

I sigh, "And here I was thinking I won't have to deal with you again".

They both ignore me and instead start cheering the girls on which got annoying because they were the only ones cheering. And Richard just had to be Richard.

" Patricia when you bend like that you look like the true witch of the west! Keep it up!".

"Now, now Emmanuella there was a smarter way to make that pass. Stop learning from the west witch", he had taken to calling Patricia the west witch after she aimed a ball at his head. Unfortunately, she missed.

" Emmanuella I don't know which is bouncier the ball or your babies in front!".

Three things happened at once. Richard realised he crossed a line, Emmanuel reached over and smacked him hard on the head, and Emmanuella covered her chest in embarrassment.

"I'm sorry, I'm sorry", Richard tells Emmanuel, rubbing the back of his head, " It was too far", poor Richard was to busy placating Emmanuel he didn't notice the ball heading straight for him until it was too late.

"Ow! I said sorry na", he places his second hand on his forehead.

The game ended immediately since most of the girls were already tired. And unsurprisingly Patricia and Emmanuella are giving Richard the cold shoulder. He seems more concerned about his head.

We are heading to our hostel so the girls can take a bath. With Patricia, Emmanuel and Emmanuella in front and Richard and I at the back.

"Is there Koko", he asks me and I start laughing, " Serious na".

"No there is no bump on your head Richard".

"Continue forming English".

I'm about to reply when I see Tobi and Amelia heading straight for us. I freeze up immediately and look down to avoid eye contact.

"I've been looking for you guys since. Amelia just told me you were at the basketball court".

I raise my head a little to see that Richard had joined them, leaving me at the back. Come on Miracle you are better than this.

I push myself to join them and not once does Tobi glance at me.

"Mr Lawrence wan die on top our matter. He said we'll be having WAEC physics lesson during prep this evening".

Emmanuel groans and Richard laughs.

" Guy did you hit your head?", Tobi asks and Richard touches his now visible bump before throwing me a scathing look.

I manage half a smile back and he gives me a curious look.

"Oya, let's go", Richard says, already walking away, " I want to sleep".

Tobi pulls his hand out of Amelia's grasp and leaves with Emmanuel and Richard.

I move to leave with Patricia and Emmanuella but Amelia puts her hand on my chest. She gives me a sick smile.

"You've been good so far. It's nice to know you can actually obey orders", she immediately walks away.

" Hope no problem", Patricia asks as I join them.

"Yeah, it's just Amelia being Amelia".

They both exchange glances.


"Miracle we heard what she said. We were close enough", Patricia says slowly, " That sounded dark".

"It's nothing".

"Is Amelia blackmailing you?", Emmanuella asks.

"What? No! Dot be ridiculous", I start walking and they follow me.



"Then what is it?"

"Nothing! It's nothing", I pick up my pace eager to leave this conversation.

I hear Patricia sigh, " so you won't tell us".

"There is noth.........".

" It's okay, we get it", Emmanuella interrupts me.

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