Chapter 29-Tired

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I'm in the library, skimming through a book I have no interest in. It's Sunday and almost half of the student population have vacated but few remain, possibly to be picked up tomorrow. A shadow suddenly covers me and I look up.

"Hey," Pelumi says giving me a small wave, "Can I sit?" he asks when I don't reply.

I simply shrug and he takes the seat opposite me, "How are you feeling?"


"I was so scared when Emmanuella told us you were unconscious."

"What happened yesterday?"

"Umm once we realized you had left Patricia and Emmanuella started panicking and ran after you. They were the one who found you unconscious. Mr. Lawrence and Tobi were the ones who rushed you to the sick bay."

"Okay, then what happened between you and Amelia?" I ask.

"What are you talking about?"

I give him a knowing look and he sighs, "I..I..It's kinda complicated...well not that complicated actually, in fact it's pretty simple if you think about it."


He exhales loudly, "Miracle I'm so sorry, I don't know how I could have let her use me like that. I've had a crush on Amelia for as long as I can remember and last term she started showing me attention and I was so elated, I was willing to do anything for her and at first it was just helping her out with her assignments or running errands for her then few weeks ago she approached with this weird request. She wanted me to get close to you, to befriend you. According to her you've been playing around with Tobi's feelings and she wanted me to make it seem like we were together so Tobi could really see the kind of person you were. I know it's stupid but I was so clouded by my feelings I didn't stop to think it through. Then I started getting to know you and I liked you. Then Amelia came to me and asked me to sabotage your race but I refused."

"Sabotage how?" I ask.

"She wanted me to slip something into your food or drink, whatever as long as it would stop you from competing in the inter house sport. Antibiotics would have done it, I could easily steal a strong antibiotic from the nurse's office but I couldn't. I couldn't do something so horrible to you. Then Amelia threatened to do it herself and put the blame on me. I got so scared."

"You think you know someone," I mumble but he hears me.

"Miracle I'm so sorry. I was stupid, I'm really sorry."

I stand up, "I don't have anything against you but I would really appreciate it if you stayed away from Amelia and me. I know who she is and I can assure you that she will hurt you if you don't stay away from her. Just back off."

"Why do I have to stay away from you?"

"Because your betrayal hurts a lot."

I quickly walk out before he can say anything else. The tears are already falling when I step out of the library. Furiously wiping my face I don't see the person in front of me till I bump into him.

"Miracle," Tobi grabs my shoulders to steady me, "Are you all right?"

"Tired, I'm tired," I say between sniffles.

"What's wrong? You should be resting after yesterday. Are you feeling dizzy again?"

I finally get myself and quickly wipe my eyes. Tobi is giving me a confused look and I see Emmanuel behind him with books in his hands also looking at me, "Miracle," Tobi says again.

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