Chapter 40-Framed

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The rest of the term pass by uneventfully. Tobi starts sitting with us again at the dining hall and goes right back to his annoying flirty self. I was hoping that would stop. Amelia hasn’t reacted yet, though she throws me murderous glares whenever she gets the chance. But a lot of people have been asking if Tobi and I are back together again.

   Soon we enter exam week and the whole second term excitement dies down as everyone gets serious. The teachers crack down on the SS3 students as this is their last exam in secondary school. Their exam questions will be set like WAEC question as a way to prepare them for the real one. Richard has complained nonstop about how hard everything is. He always ends up getting into a fight with Patricia or Emmanuella, depending on who loses their patience first.

   On the third day of exam the first thing Patricia tells Richard when we take our seat in the dining hall is, “We are writing Economics today. I do not want to hear a single word from you, if it is bad go and cry in the boy’s toilet.”

   “Hmmph, enemies everywhere," Richard says frowning.

   “Fools everywhere,” Patricia retorts.

   For the exam SS2 Science and SS2 Art and Commercial has been mixed. The class teachers of both classes randomly selected some Science student to move to Art and Commercial class, and some Art and Commercial students to move to Science class. I got moved to Art and Commercial class but Emmanuella wasn’t so Patricia and I stick together for the exam. Unfortunately, Amelia and Mariam are also in Art and Commercial class

   Today is a general paper, Economics. Patricia and I walk into the class, there is no teacher around yet and students are talking among themselves, some sitting on their desk while the more serious ones are revising what they have read. Amelia is leaning on my desk as she talks to Mariam. Patricia sneers at her but doesn’t say anything.

   “Excuse me,” I tell her. She eyes me from head to toe, takes her time getting off the table then sucks her teeth and walks away with Mariam in tow.

   “That girl always gives me bad vibes,” Patricia says after I sit down. Me and you both.

   The class teacher walks in and everyone settles down. He passes out the exam questions and answer sheets and immediately gives us the go ahead to start. I look at the first question and frown. Who Economics epp sef!

   Thirty minutes into the exam I’m chewing my pen in frustration. Answering each of this question is a hurdle in itself. The class teacher roves about watching our every move like a hawk, and I really want to ask Patricia what the answer to number 5 is.

   “Excuse me sir,” Amelia suddenly speaks up and half the class turns back. The entire class has been extremely silent so natural a little noise will get everyone’s attention. The teacher walks over to her desk and looks at her expectantly, and she does the strangest thing. She looks at me and beams before wiping the look of her face and turns to the teacher, “Miracle is cheating.”

   What?! Everyone immediately turns to me, the teacher looks at me, then as if deciding I am too innocent to cheat turns back to Amelia, “Did you see her cheat?”

   Amelia nods, “She was just about to reach for something under her table.”

   Where is all this coming from? I almost explode. The teacher walks over to my desk and asks me to get up.

   “Sir I didn’t do anything. I don’t know what she is talking about,” I quickly say.

   “Yes sir, I’m beside her and I didn’t notice anything. Amelia is all the way at the back so how can she accuse Miracle like that,” Patricia comes to my defense and the whole class breaks into murmurs.

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