Chapter 16-Dark, Dark Secrets

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Thirty minutes later Richard and Tobi arrive both in shorts and shirts.

"Wear is your bi........I mean swimwear", Tobi asks immediately he walks in.

"I don't have one", I say distracted. Laying on the couch while scrolling through my phone.


"Because I don't want it".


"Because I don't wear them".


"So perverts like you don't stare at my assets".

A pause, "why?"

I look up from my phone, "because after staring and stripping me with your eyes you begin to think it's ok to make a move on me, which would lead to you annoying me, which lead to me punching you between your eyes and claiming harassment if anyone accuses me of being violent".

Richard shifts closer to Tobi and stage whispers, "is like this one is mad. Let's just quietly leave".

Tobi responds with a hit to his side but before Richard can retaliate Amelia steps out clad that stepmother's two piece bikini?

"I'm ready", she says and both boys turn to her.

"Wow! Amelia you!", Richard compliments her.

"Thank you", she gives him a wide smile.

Tobi turns to me, "don't you have something like that?"

Staring him down I say, "no".

The speed at which the hope on his face dies is alarming, "let's just go", he tries to pull me of the chair but I don't budge.

"I'm not going anywhere", I say adamantly.

"Don't be stubborn, come on".


He stares at me and I stare right back. It's a stare off.

"Fine! Do what you want", he raises his hands in surrender and heads for the door.

Smiling I settle into the chair, feeling very pleased with myself.

*Few minutes later*

"You have a very uncomfortable shoulder", I grumble from my position on Richards shoulder.

"Thank you!", he replies cheerfully.

I glare at Tobi who is walking behind Richard and he sends me an overly cheerful smile.

It was an ambush! The idiot had led me into a false sense of victory, but next thing I know he snatched my phone straight out of my hands and when I got up to get it back from him I'm immediately swept of my feet and straight onto Richards shoulder which is my present situation as we head to the beach I had adamantly refused to go to. Don't even get me started on the stares we were attracting, even attention seeking Amelia seems uncomfortable.

"You can drop me now o. I can walk myself", I tell them but Tobi shakes his head.

"I'm not taking any chances".

Richard shifts his shoulder beneath me, "guy are you sure? Because my shoulder is starting to ache".

"Are you calling me fat?!", I say outraged.

"Hmm...... I'm not sure how to answer that".

"Put me down!!!", I scream and Richard immediately drops me.

"Nawa! Girls and their drama", he grumbles, rubbing his shoulder as he walks of.

Of course now that I have my freedom the smart thing would be to run back to the hut before Tobi can grab me but the overly sensitive female in me just had to show herself.

Running after Richard, I hit his back, "don't ever in anyway call me fat or heavy or even insinuate it! Ever!"

"Who talk that one now", Richard says throwing his hands up, "I only commented on my shoulder".

"Insinuating to the fact that I am heavy!"

Suddenly Tobi grabs me by the shoulder, "babe chill. You're drawing attention to yourself".

True to his words my outburst had gathered a crowd, everyone staring at me weirdly. Mortified I turn away from their faces only to see that we are actually standing at the entrance of the beach.

"Also we at the beach", Tobi says.

I quickly walk in. Putting enough distance between me and the nosy crowd.


2 hours. Tobi miraculously left me alone for 2 hours. After storming out on him and the nosy crowd I took a seat at the Beach's bar and refused to get up, of course Tobi tried to persuade me but let me be at some point. Probably because he thought I was going to make another scene. Quite frankly I'm fine sitting at the bar on my own, nursing a bottle of fanta (because the bar man could tell from my face that I wasn't old enough for alcohol). There's this really cute guy on the other side of the bar who has been staring at me for a while now. I'm trying to decide whether to walk up to him or give him time to gather the courage to walk up to me, either way I'm getting his number today.

Suddenly I feel a hand around my shoulder and turn around to see Tobi's annoying face.

"I've been lenient and let you stay here for too long. Come on let's go".

"No! I'm staying here", I quickly turn around to see my cutie walking away from the bar.

What kind of village people magic is this! I just wanted his number na!

"Come on, I found this really nice spot on the bea..........why are you looking at me like that?"

Drown him! No one will ever suspect you!

Rather than give into my murderous impulses I say, "fine let's go. I'm done here anyways", throwing a longing look at the vacant space on the other side of the bar, I get up and follow Tobi to the beach. He leads me away from the crowd of people on the beach to a secluded place with two tall palm trees providing shade from the sun.

"So how were you able to get away from Amelia?", I ask after sitting under the the palm tree.

"Richard is God sent".

Smiling I ask, "what did he do?"

"I'm not sure, but whatever he is doing, he is doing it well".

We both fall silent, staring at the waves.

"Sooooo........", Tobi starts.


"I want to try something. I want to put the flirting and the past aside and just get to know you".

Turning to him I raise my eyebrow, "why?"

"Because.....cause I just want to know you. Your likes, dislikes, future ambitions......".

"This is still one of your techniques to get me to like you. Isn't it?"

Scratching his head, he looks away, "maybe?"

"Goat", I make a move to stand up when he grabs my hand.

"Come on give me a chance. Let me just get to know you, in fact I'll tell you things about myself too".

"OK fine. I don't really have anything to do anyways", I lean my back on the palm tree, "I'll go first. What's your deepest, darkest secret?"

"Ahn Ann! What happened to simple questions like my favourite colour?", Tobi exclaims.

"To simple", I wave it of, "let's start with the tough ones".

"Hmm OK. I think my darkest secret is that I've once kissed Richard".

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