Chapter 9-I Prefer David

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The bell rings at that moment and we all pack up and leave the library. And even though I was hoping to avoid them I realize once again that one can never get what one wants.

"Ladies how has your day been", Richard says as he throws his hand around my shoulder, "I've been having a great day so far", he exclaims, smiling brightly but is met with silence.

Patricia and Emmanuella completely ignore him as they walk ahead of us while Tobi and Emmanuel walk behind us.

"What is wrong with them?", Richard ask me and I lift my shoulders and shake my head.

He shrugs but doesn't try to make conversation after that. He only waves goodbye when we part ways to our different hostels.

The two frost queens on the other hand make a show of bidding only Emmanuel goodbye before walking away. But that's the least of my problems because I have an unsolved physics assignment due tomorrow.

"Ehen Emmanuella about your physics assignment".

In the end I couldn't muster enough courage to ask Emmanuella for her assignment but she promised to explain it to me after dinner and I got Patricia to promise to lend me the consonant sounds Emmanuel wrote down for her so I can memorise them.

We take our seats in the dining hall and not long after are unfortunately joined by three unwanted guest. Tobi takes the seat opposite me and gives me a small smile.

"Did I ever tell you that your eyes shine like a thousand stars", he tells me.

"Unrepentant flirt", Patricia hisses, "that's how they do whatever they want and expect someone to just forgive them".

"Do you have a problem with me Patricia?"

"Me? No ooo I just have a problem with that ode that thinks he can buy Miracles forgiveness".

"Mind your business", he tells her before turning to me, "besides she is not like you that keeps grudges", he reaches for my hand on the table and I pull away.

"You people have a habit of talking about someone like the person isn't present", I say.

"So are you holding a grudge?"


"You see? Better person!!", he exclaims.

"But I want you to stop flirting with me. It's making me uncomfortable".

Patricia snorts into her hand, "you see? Sensible person!!".

Tobi scowls at her before turning to me, "but baby......."

"Who is your baby? Oh! You mean the one Amelia wants to carry for you", Patricia smiles innocently while Emmanuella laughs into her hands. I am more interested in when they are going to serve our food.

And as if hearing my thoughts Miss Florence and Mr Banji walk in and the cooks start serving our food. Today's dinner is a steaming bowl of porridge and I immediately dig in.

For a blissful short period of time there is absolute silence at our table as everyone eats their food. That is until.

"My porridge taste bitter"Tobi says staring at his plate.

"Maybe it's the yam", Richard offers.

"No it's something else", he scratches his chin in wonder, then turns to me, "you know if you feed me with your beautiful hands I'm sure my food will taste better".

There is silence at first until Patricia let's out a long hiss.

"I don't even know whether you are flirting or trying to tell me something", I say.

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