Chapter Four: Absolutely Mental

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My keys drop to the ground instantly as I stare back at my not so missing best friend.

"Oh my god, Mila! What the hell?!". Tammys yells before I can even form a coherent sentence in my head.

She throws herself off her bed and races towards me, engulfing me in her long arms. Pushing away the utter shock from moments ago, I reach my arms up as well and pull her into my own bear hug.

Eventually, we start to let go and as we do I feel Tammy's wet cheek slide across mine. 

I quickly pull back and stare and her tear-stained face. "Why are you crying?".

Her expression changes from upset to shocked in an instant.

"Why am I crying?! Mils you got hit in the head and dragged away by a group of men with huge guns and scary looking cars! I've been sitting here completely unsure of what to do with myself, I'm still in shock".

"Oh." It was hard to consider how terrifying my situation really was, when this entire time I was focused on Tammy and her own safety.

"Oh? Dude what is wrong with you. How- how did you even get here? What the hell happened?" She looks me up and down, bewildered.

"That is something I really am not up for talking about. It's a long story and I'm exhausted, and probably suffering from some sort of emotional trauma."

Tammy gives me a long look. She hates when I use sarcasm in bad situations, but honestly at this point it's actually helping me evade any emotional trauma I should be feeling.

"I understand you're tired but I cant sleep knowing you have an entire kidnapping story lodged in your brain". Although she's also using a hint of sarcasm, I can tell she's also very serious. She isn't going to let me sleep until I tell her.

Instead of fighting it I drop my bag at the foot of my bed, throw of my shoes and sink into my old and overused mattress. I pat lethargically at the space beside me and wait for Tammy to join.

As soon as she gets herself comfortable beneath my comforter I launch straight into what happened. At times I had to pause and take a long breath. When you're in the moment, things just happen and you go with it. But when you finally sit down and think about those things, it hits harder than expected. 

By the time I'm finished explaining everything - and also going through a slight crisis - Tammy is passed out. I'm not annoyed or hurt, she must be exhausted. I know she was listening to the first parts. She just must of missed the part about John his weirdly mysterious yet dangerous life.

I sigh into my pillow, embracing the warmth from my thick doona and Tammys body. I glance down at her peaceful face and realise that I hadn't even asked what happened to her. She looks completley fine and unharmed so what the hell happened after I blacked out?

Questions buzz through my mind but my eyes start to flutter from pure exhaustion. Tomorrow. There is always tomorrow.


Light beams through the small shutters into my dorm room illuminating the small, colourful space that Tammy and I call home. I had woken not even thirty minutes ago and yet am already onto my second coffee of the morning.

I yawn as I look over at my slumbering best friend. I didn't want to wake her after the long night we both had. I am an early riser no matter the occasion, Tammy? not so much.

Instead I decided to make a coffee and do a quick clean to busy my mind. I have so many questions about the events that took place in the last twenty four hours. How is Tammy here? What happened to her? Did they just leave her at the restaurant or did they abduct her also? What about the other people? Did she call the police?

Dangerous Minds | john wickTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang