Chapter Twenty-Eight: Part One

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I let out a choked gasp as blood seeps from the fresh bullet hole in my thigh. The pain is indescribable as I lay still on the floor, unable to move from the agony and shock. I know I should be doing something to stop the bleeding or to at least try and get away but my body is mentally paralysed.

The tears are hot and thick as they run down my cheeks onto the hard floor, the echo of each droplet signalling my defeat. I'm tired, so fucking tired. These last few months have been so draining and exhausting that right now I could just close my eyes and not wake up. Everything I knew - or that I thought I knew - has come crashing down, leaving a black hole of hurt, loss and confusion. What person would want to wake up to that.

The throbbing in my thigh increases as I attempt to shift the weight onto my left hand side, releasing the pressure on my leg. I can hear the footsteps getting closer, and I know exactly who they belong to. A strangled sob comes from my throat as it dawns on me that my death is an awaiting possibility.

A shadow disturbs my vision and in a quick movement a tall figure is above me. His black hair sticks to his face as he stares down at me, his gun sitting idly in his hand. His lips that I had kissed only hours ago sit in a grim line.

I have so many words, so many questions, and so much pain, but all I can get out is, "Please don't hurt me".


The blare of the alarm makes my nerves shoot through the roof as we wait by the door we had entered not even twenty minutes ago.

Nobody had come looking for us. No security, no bank operators, literally no one. It was strange to say the very least, but the reason could come down too many things. The best case scenario is that the alarm meant everyone had to get out - including security. The worst case scenario is that Viggo had killed everyone. To keep myself from breaking apart from nerves, I repeatedly tell myself its the first case. I can tell Levi's doing the same.

With no guns we're rendered useless. I may have the slightest training from John but that wont save me against a whole team of armed men.

"What are we supposed to do now?". I know fully well that the question is stupid and that Levi is quite literally shitting himself, but he's the one who wanted to come up the stairs so he gets to deal with the plan.

"Honestly Mila, I don't know. I really fucking don't. If you get injured in any way John is going to tear me limb from limb and that scares me more then anything out there. So if I open that door and there's someone waiting for us and I cant do anything... I don't even want to think about it".

My hand shakes as I lean down to take the knife out of the strap on my calf. "Well I don't particularly want to be injured either so we're just going to have to do our best".

The panelling of the door is cool against my temple as I lean against it, attempting to calm myself. "What makes you think there are people out there anyway? It's a fire alarm. Maybe they were all evacuated".

The look he gives me tells me everything I already knew.

"When I open this door there is a number of things that could happen, whatever those are I need you to do the best you can on getting out of this building. I'll be right next to you the whole time".

I nod in response. "What about the people outside? We could be arrested, or worse.".

Levi sighs as he rests his hand on the lock, "Theres no time to think of that, we just have to get out".

His lack of confidence and communication makes me want to stay in the stairwell. I recognise that time isn't on our side, but I'd rather think this through then throw myself into the unknown. But alas, I follow Levi through the door and out into the eerily empty foyer.

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