Chapter Eighteen: Gracias

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I stare absentmindedly into a large ornate mirror as the hairstylist finishes curling my hair.

Although it's just her and I in the room, I can feel the tension of several people outside. This wasn't just a normal outing to church or the local village. This was a party, and apparently not a small one. I realised very quickly that although it was my birthday, the party isn't just to celebrate me. It's a symbol of my fathers wealth and power, which I'm not all to surprised about.

Earlier in the day there had been a meeting with all the security. I thought I had met all of them, apparently I was wrong. Nearly twenty all black SUVS with tinted windows lined the driveway and path, prepared for tonights event. While they are there for my safety, it scares me more than if there where none.

Somewhere in the house a piano is being played, adding a light tone to the seemingly stressful night.

My eyes nearly roll back as the lady runs her finger through my hair giving my scalp a slight massage, adding volume to its usually lacklustre look.

"What do you think?".

I peer at my reflection, astonished at how much I had zoned out. The curls she had created sit delicately around my face, complimenting the light shimmering makeup. The original plan she had for my face was scrapped after she saw the dress. She refused to takeaway from it, so instead opted for some gold eyeshadow and nude lipstick.

"I love it, Thank you."

She returns my thanks with a smile as she packs up her gear. I still have no idea who finds these people. I don't know of many who are willing to come to 'the' Viggos' house.

Once she's gone, the door firmly shut, I take three deep breaths. My nerves are currently running a little higher than normal. The stress of trying to meet and impress new people, while also trying to look like I'm enjoying myself is not something I expected my nineteenth birthday to be like.

However, besides tonight, today has been a lot more pleasant than I was planning. I woke up to an incredible breakfast in bed; chocolate chip pancakes, an array of fresh fruit, and the best berry smoothie I've had in my life. Aya arrived shortly after, gifting me with her presence and the most stunning gold mask to match my dress. As for Levi, he went a little more low-key, giving me some flowers and a "very special birthday kiss".

I hadn't seen my father all day, which made me a little disappointed but I understand he's busy. I know I'll see him tonight and that's what counts.

Sighing, I push myself from the soft provincial arm chair and walk slowly back to my room. As usual I pass several people dressed in black with some kind of weapon or clipboard. One even had the decency to wish me a happy birthday.

Eventually I make it back and grab my dress from its stand. Its gold detailing shimmering in the glow of the setting sun.

Before I can pull it on a knock at the door distracts me.

"Twenty minutes till go time Miss Tarasov." The deep muffled voice heightens my awareness, making my actions more hurried.

I yank the dress up my body, pulling the hidden side zip closed. It fits like a glove, just like Angeline has said it would. She had changed a few features to make it more modern and figure hugging. And to my likeness, had gotten rid of the back buttons and instead created a zip on the side for style and convenience.

I pretty much shimmy over to my wardrobe, grabbing the intimidatingly tall stilettos. I'm fine with working in heels, but these things a whole different breed.

With the dress being too tight, I have to force my foot into the thin shoe, clearly unable to bend down.

Finally on, I walk over to the mirror and take in my appearance. I feel beautiful. Like truly and utterly beautiful. The gold shines bright, even in the low light of my bedroom. It makes my figure look a lot more hourglass than it is, definitley highlighting the breast area. I feel nineteen in this. Which is rare, my visual age normally wavers around fifteen thanks to my height and lack of assets.

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