Chapter Eleven: Older Than Me

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"Pleaseeeeee". Tammy's pleading voice begins to irritate me as I rub my temples.

My morning had so far been overtaken by two things. My last minute notes before class and Tammy's continuous attempts to get me to come to the club opening.

I haven't exactly said no but I definitely haven't said yes. The thing is I don't really know how to answer because I actually really want to go. A night out with my best friend getting tipsy at a place that isn't a frat house? I mean any other day, count me in. But the ever looming factor of my current circumstance means clubbing is a pretty much no go.

"Just think of all the hot older men that would be there! Oh my god imagine the suits. Are you not seeing what I'm seeing right now?".

I go to tell her to just drop the subject for now but pause when a light bulb moment goes off in my head. Hot older men. Suits. John.

Why didn't I think of this in the first place? Why don't I just ask John to come with me? I mean it probably isn't his cup of tea but it means we could hang out outside of the whole- i don't even know what to call it - situation. And I could dress in an extra sleazy dress so that he can see I'm not some young eighteen year old, I am a woman and with that comes assets I could most definitley show off.

As per usual I'm probably not thinking about the bigger picture, but currently this is the best idea I have. I spin around on my creaky desk chair and give Tammy a mischevious grin.

"Fine. But I want to bring someone."

In response she lets out a little squeal and claps her hands together. "You could bring an octopus for all I care, as long as you're there enjoying the night with me, I'm happy."

Out of excitement, we plan to go shopping for our outfits in the afternoon. As Tammy scans Pinterest for inspiration, I stare at my phone wondering if I should call or text him. I thought I would have time to tell him in person but turns out its Friday which is tomorrow.

Finally deciding to call, I tell Tammy I need to go to the bathroom and head into the small hallway.

My finger hovers over his contact. It's strange, I've never been the one to ask someone else out. Not that it's a date - especially since I'm sure he'll act more as a body guard than a love interest.

Stopping myself from overthinking I press the call button and wait. One ring, two rings, three rings. No answer. A voice mail with no name asks me to leave a quick message before the beep.

"Um hi John, it's Mila- um I'm sure you already know that since it's my voice and all." I roll my eyes at myself, this is what failure looks. "Anyways, Tammy got on invite to a club opening, and I know what you're already thinking but I really really really would like to go and I thought why don't you come with us. It might be fun! Um anyway yeah just let me know your thoughts or-"


I'm cut off mid sentence by the obtrusive sound. Who even came up with that. Whilst rushed and overtly awkward I at least got most of what I was trying to say out.

Not even ten seconds later I receive a message.

'Busy. Will call later'

Although frank, I understand his busy meant something completely different to my busy. Trying not to think to in-depth about his current activities, I stroll back into my room.

The second I step foot past the door I'm bombarded with questions. "Who's John? Do you have a boyfriend? Why am I not aware of this?" Her hair vigorously bounces with each word.

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