Chapter Fourteen: Panic

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I begin to panic as I look at the photo longer. This is beyond overwhelming. It can't be real and yet there I am, a big goofy smile across my face and sitting on two strangers laps. Strangers whom are supposedly my parents.

"This doesn't make sense. How- why am I living in New York with...what do I even call them now?" My panic doesn't seem to rub off on the man- sorry, Viggo.

"Your mother and I decided that your life with us would not be safe. We wanted you to have opportunities such as going to college, building a career." The fire crackles as a piece of wood snaps in half, bringing me out of my dazed state.

"What about my parents? How did they- why do they have me?" My eyes begin to water again as I think about the two people who were once my whole life but now feel so distant.

"We placed you up for adoption anonymously. We did extensive research and made sure you went with the best family possibly. From what I can tell we picked well." The mention of adoption causes the tears that I had been withholding to fall down my face.

It doesn't feel right but it makes sense. Mom never showed me photos of me as a baby, whenever I asked she said they where badly damaged and not worth looking at. I put my hand over my mouth to conceal an oncoming sob.

Finally calming myself down, I wipe the tears from face. This is not the time to look weak. You can do that later.

"How did you find me?" My question seems to throw him off a little.

"It was all a coincidence. The people you were taken by that night at the restaurant work for me. They were attempting to frighten the owners of the restaurant, for reasons that you will understand later. Ostensibly, you lashed out and so they reacted in a way that only small minds can, they grabbed you and brought you back to a safe house of mine. I was alerted of the hostage and so I did a standard check of the surveillance footage within the building. And it was in fact you. The joy I had child, it was unbelievable." He reaches out and holds my hand gently in between his larger ones.

"I know Tatiana, your mother, may have seemed rough but I can only assume she was like that out of utter shock." His face turns grim as he continues. "And then that" He pauses as anger flashes in his eyes, "That ungodly man strode in and killed her in cold blood. It tore me apart that you had to see such a thing. My sweet angel."

He clears his throat as though the emotions had made him speechless. "I sent my men to watch over you. I didn't want to get involved, you seemed to be enjoying your life without me. But when I noticed them disappearing, I couldn't just stand by and let you be in danger." I pull my hand out of his, confused by his statement.

"I wasn't in danger though. I actually thought your 'men' were the ones putting me in danger. The reason they were disappearing was because of John. He was trying to help me." My voice wavers on the last sentence. He may have protected me but he killed my biological mom. Fuck, I have no idea how to feel.

"And why didn't you just approach me? Instead of pretty much abducting me and hauling me off to another country. I have school, work, family, a life, that I cant just leave." I rub my hands over my face in angst. Peering through my fingers I look at Viggo's and almost feel bad for what I said.

"I don't know what to tell you Milena. John is not the man you think he is. He's dangerous, beyond anything you could comprehend. He always has a seperate agenda, so while you may have thought he was helping you I can assure you he wasn't. He's known as the boogeyman, or should I say he's the person you send to kill the boogeyman." He's last sentence sends shivers down my spine. I automatically go to defend him but keep my mouth tightly shut, he's right I don't know him.

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