Chapter Twelve: Hi Mark

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so i have a few music recommendations for this chapter. i listened to these when i was writing so it may help with setting the scene. i'll add a note for when you should start the music!


"And done." Tammy adds the final touches to my makeup and takes in what she calls her 'masterpiece'.

She turns me around to face our small mirror and I gasp. Looking back at me is someone completely different. My curled hair frames a face that looks at least five years older. A smokey eye donned with red lipstick highlights my features and makes me want stare forever. This is the first time in a while where I actually don't mind how I look.

We grab our clutches - that I consider to be pointless since it barely fits my phone - and make our way down to the foyer.

"Shit! I forgot my mascara. I'll be back in two seconds." Tammy turns around and runs towards the stairs - or more like tries to, those five inch heels aren't doing her any favours.

Quietly laughing to myself I exit the foyer into the cool night. I immediately spot John who is casually leaning against his car. Well damn. My body slightly shakes as I take in his appearance. Although in his usual black attire, it seems more put together. His beard looks freshly trimmed and his hair is perfectly shiny.

After standing awkwardly for a few moments I start to wander over, capturing Johns attention. As soon as we make eye contact he quickly straightens up and pushes himself of the car. As I approach I feel the need to hide myself as he takes in my outfit.

"You look- ah, you look incredible" He voice breaks as he continues to stare. A smile creeps onto my face. In an attempt to hide my giddiness I look down at my shoes.

"You don't look so bad yourself" I quip back. Lies. He looks like a freakin god.

I look back up and meet his gleaming eyes. Something about the way he looks at me makes my heart palpitate.

He leans down and gives me a light kiss on the forehead. What even is a brain, cause mine has completely fried.

I hear the click of heels and a cleared throat, causing John and I to seperate.

"Shall we go?" Tammy's voice seems oddly strained. Maybe she's out of breath from running up the stairs.

It's strange that she didn't attempt to introduce herself to John but maybe she's just overly excited to get there.

We all cram into the car and make our way towards what I think will be one of the best nights ever. Especially since John just leant across the car to give my hand a gentle squeeze.


song: lovin' me by snbrn

The concrete beneath my feet pulses as we depart from the car. The valet nervously takes the keys from John. I mean understandable, his looks could kill.

My heart races as he makes his way to my side. Clearly much taller than me, he's actually able to see over the throng of people. His light hearted side seems to have disappeared as he tersely scans over the crowd. Apparently the whole of New York is going to this opening.

I feel Tammy's presence as she also comes up beside me. Her warm hand squeezes mine, noticing my slight anxiety at the amount of people.

"So apparently there's two doors. We need to find the one on the left because it's for 'listed' people." Tammy pauses and looks up at John. "I'm such an idiot, I didn't even think about how I was going to get you in."

My heart drops at her words. Looking at what I assumed to be the normal entrance, the line goes all the way around the building. Shit. Why didn't I even think of that?

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