Chapter Twenty-Five: Melancholy Roses

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genuinely want to apologise upfront for any spelling and grammar mistakes. also happy friday!


The kiss starts out soft, full of love and innocence. Capturing the fluidity of our words from just moments ago.

His gentleness is touching and makes me love him even more but right now, in this moment, it's dulling the ferociousness untwining within my body. I know he's withholding, trying to keep his composure as though any movement too big will scare me.

I slightly push back and look up at Johns focused face. The intensity of his gaze causes my legs to annoyingly quiver, not helping with my next statement.

"I want to".

It takes him just under a second to understand my vague words, my body language mainly doing the talking.

His forehead creases as his eyes bare into mine, almost as if he's trying to find a lie. "Are you sure?".

Too nervous and red faced to speak I push my face into his chest.

"Mila". He lifts my head and locks our gaze once again. "I don't want you to feel pressured. There's no rush".

He's right. There isn't a rush. But my hormones and emotions are going haywire and all I can think about is getting into that damn bed. With him. Without clothes.

Mastering all the courage I can, I move myself as close as possible to his much larger figure. I angle my head perfectly with his as my arms confidently reach up and wrap around his neck.

"I trust you more than anyone in this world. I know you'll look after me".

The worry lines fade from his face as he finally leans into me. This time the kiss is so intense that my mind reels. So he was holding back.

Not entirely sure how to take it further, I lower my hands to the edge off his shirt and try to subtly pull it up. My mind goes over all the romantic movies I had spent way to much time watching, trying to remember how this whole thing works.

John seems to note my attempt at his de-clothing and slightly chuckles. For a moment I think I fucked up but just as I go to blabber out some nonsense response, he grabs my hips and shoves me against the wall.


In one breath ninety five percent of my clothing is ripped, torn, and thrown on the lush carpet. I guess when the tension between two people has been there long enough, soft and gentle isn't going to cut it.

I can say for a fact that I was definitley not expecting my first time to go down like this. My original thought was a small dorm bed, awkward boy, and maybe a candle.

Instead I'm standing near naked in front of a man that makes my hands shake, in a hotel room that probably costs more then my tuition, and about to probably have the most amazing experience of my life.

John noticing my wavering thoughts, cups my cheek. "Too rough?".

I'm too hot and bothered to answer, grabbing the back of his neck and pull him towards me, re-attaching our lips.

In one sweeping move, he places his hands under my legs lifting me up so that I can sit perched around his torso. His arms hold me securely as he removes us from the wall, and places me down on the velvet bed.

I watch inquisitively as he stands up and pulls his own shirt off. It takes everything in me not to ogle as the fabric lifts, I mean come on. That should be illegal.

Caught off guard by his somehow 'sexy shirt off' technique, I failed to notice him looking down at me. His eyes wandering over my barely clothed figure.

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