Chapter Twenty-One: Thank You

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I watch restlessly as the sun begins to slowly peak over the city skyline. It's golden and orange hues making the clutter of buildings look like a painting.

I turn onto my back and sigh, anxiously nibbling on the inside of my lip. John has been gone for an hour, maybe even longer. I woke up this morning to him loading a hand gun and tightening a bullet proof vest, something that didn't exactly make me feel excited for the day to come.

He told me he needed to do a few things before we left and that he'd be back soon. No other details, just that he'd be back.

It's stupid to worry about a man who can kill people with his bare hands but it's hard not too. Viggo and whoever else are most likely looking for both of us right now. With very bad intentions; to say the least.

It makes me wonder about what we're actually going to do. We can't run forever, but what else are we supposed to do?

I crave normalcy. I crave to be back in my ridiculously tiny dorm room with Tammy, crying over Carrie Bradshaw and Mr. Big, and eating insane amounts of cheap - and highly risky - burritos.

But with all of that in mind, I crave John just as much. He's no longer a a silly crush that makes my heart beat faster. He is my heart. While that sounds plain stupid, even to me. It's not. Last night I realised I need him like I need water. He makes me feel like I don't need anybody or anything else in this world.

I know he would go to the very end of this world to make sure I'm okay, he's made that clear. So I will go to the end of the world to be with him.

If it weren't for the seriousness of this situation I would have openly laughed at my cheesy thoughts.

I'm dragged out of my mind by the sound of the hotel door opening and clicking shut.

Desperately, I try to smooth out my morning hair and add moisture to my chapped lips. I don't look like a princess in the mornings. I wake up just like every other person in this world, looking like I've stepped out of a zombie move.

I watch as he throws a pair of keys and a shopping bag with the words 'El Corte Inglés', onto the table and makes his way over to my side of the bed.

"Morning". He leans down to kiss me but I quickly pull back, his face immediately dropping.

I wrinkle my nose in response, "Morning breath".

He furrows his brows before gently grabbing my head and pulling me into a soft kiss, sending pure tingles down my spine.

"I don't care". He attempts to tuck a piece of mangled hair behind my ear as a kind gesture but quickly gives up.

"So how is the patient feeling this morning?". He says as he pulls off the heavy quilt, revealing my bandaged legs.

I once again wrinkle my nose. It's definitely a sight, but not as bad as I expected.

"It's not as painful as it looks to be honest. Though that might be due to the surgery grade drugs still running through my system." I'm lying, it still hurts, but there is no way I'm telling him that. I'd rather him worry about himself. It'll heal eventually anyway.

He nods his head, seemingly deep in thought as he inspects one of the bandages on my calf.

His eyes slowly move up and onto my attire, which is currently his shirt and oversized underwear.

"You look too cute for your own good right now". I visibly blush at his words, knowing he's stretching the truth. While maybe his shirt is nice, his boxers look like I'm wearing strange board shorts.

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