Chapter Eight: Fair Enough

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The crisp morning wind seeps through my coat as I step out of my hall into the busy street. Although chilly, the sun shines down bright, casting a warm yellow glow over the usually grey street. A sign that summer is nearly here.

For the first time in my life I'm paranoid beyond belief. Before I continue down the side walk, I check around me to see if theres any body watching, waiting. My skin crawls as I imagine somebody sitting in one of the many cars, watching my every move.

With no avail I make my way down the road. A fleeting check of my watch tells me I have exactly ten minutes before my shift starts. Hurriedly, my sneakers scuff along the unkept grown.

I am definitley not in the mood to work today but unfortunately bills don't go away, even if your life is in danger.

Rounding the corner I spot the small sign 'Tom & Bells Grocery'. Working at this place has been one of the most boring jobs of my life but at the same time it has such an incredible sense of family. Stocking shelves and serving half awake people isn't exactly the funnest thing to do with your mornings.

Crossing the road I spot Mr. Albitz adding flowers to the front pavilion. As he leans over he grabs his back clearly uncomfortable. Ignoring the pedestrian lights I rush across taking the pot from his hands.

He lets out a light sigh as he pushes himself back up.

Turning around, he offers me a bright smile that warms my heart. "Thank you my dear."

"Anytime, but what on earth where you doing moving this huge thing." I adjust the large pot in my arms. "It's like twice my weight".

"Work to do, places to be. My decrepit body wont stop me." We both chuckle as I place the flowers down in the correct spot.

Both clearly cold, we eventually make our way into the shop where I'm met by a frazzled Mrs. Albitz. Her curly blonde hair sticks in every direction as she scrambles from the back of the shop.

"Mila! Oh my gosh thank our Jesus you are here! A new shipment came this morning unexpectedly and I have had no time to put it away with the morning rush of customers." Pushing down any excess curls and fanning her red cheeks, she passes me the clipboard.

Without having to say anything further, I nod and make my way to the small back room, relieving myself of my coat and bag. Today is going to be a long day. The only thing keeping me going is tonight. I get to see John - although only for training - the thought brings a smile to my face.

I walk lazily back into the shop and stare agonisingly at the twenty or so boxes of packaged food. While restock to some people looks simple, doing it on nearly no sleep is a nightmare.

I grudgingly pick up the box cutter, shove in headphones and get to work.


By the time I'm done I'm covered all over in a thin layer of sweat and hair that was once in a pony tail. I look up at my work and give myself a mental high five. Pretty much perfect.

I half turn to check the analog clock on the wall but instead come face to face with clothed chest. I almost scream. Instead I look up and come face to face with an intimidatingly attractive boy.

I look at him confused as his mouth moves but no words come out. Attractive but crazy, got it. He moves his hand and motions at his ears.

I blush profusely as I realise my headphones are still in. Yanking both of them out I clumsily attempt to pause the music still playing.

"I am so sorry, I didn't realise they where still in". I laugh, attempting to hide my embarrassment.

Luckily he laughs as well.

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