Chapter Fifteen: Like a Lady

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gif of levi 'played' by charlie hunnam.


The days go by much slower here.

It was like nothing I had expected. It was so calm and collected. In the mornings I'd go for a walk down to the beach, with Levi and some other darkly dressed moron following a few meters behind me. I'd either spend the day lazing by the pool or searching through Viggo's infinite book collection.

I wasn't granted a phone nor a computer. So the best I could get were books, which I don't mind. I use to read everyday when I was a child. But as I got into high school, the pure rush I got from finishing a chapter, vanished.

Sitting around and doing nothing was fun, at first. However, after a few days it became intolerable. I needed to do something. I needed to use my brain for more than reading a book or staring at a view. I wanted to learn, to go back to college to speak to people who have the same intellect or my love for architecture.

While Levi was sometimes nice company, the second I started talking about a building, design, features, he lost interest and zoned out.

It was all the same until today.

I'm currently perched on a stool having my measurements taken. Which turns out to be a very dehumanising experience. The woman's scornful face sours more and more as my agitation becomes clear in my slumped back. She calls out the numbers as she tightens the yellow measuring tape around my waist.

"Bosom in, shoulders back. Stand like a lady". Her piercing voice makes my ears itch and the need to yell at her becomes clearer.

Yet I keep my mouth shut. I refuse to put myself on the bad list here. A few nights ago I had stayed up too late in Viggo's library. On my way back I heard wailing coming from his office. Stupidly, I decided it would be a good idea to get closer, try and make out what was happening. What I heard made me realise very quickly that this is not a place to mess around. Ever since, I've learnt to bite my tongue, especially in moments like these.

The measurements are being taken for the one thing I never expected. Sunday church. I rolled my eyes when Levi informed me of their usual ritual. Of course they can kill someone at the blink of an eye and still attend a holy 'ceremony', or whatever they call it. I never really had an opinion on religion, but this was kind of ridiculous.

The dress that's being altered is hideous. The light blue fabric washes me out and the knee length hem makes me look like I have the shortest legs in the world. While it's definitley not the main issue of this whole predicament, it still adds to the pile of frustration.

To add to the joy of today, Levi stands mockingly at the door. His eyes say everything, I look ridiculous. His smirk grows as the woman attempts to pull the dress down to further cover my legs.

"I am done. Please next time learn to hold yourself like a woman." With that she snatches the zip and yanks the entire dress of my body, the sky coloured cotton crumpling at my feet.

It takes me a minute to realise that I'm standing completely bare in my undergarments with Levi in full view. I try to cover myself as the woman picks up the dress and shoves it into the arms of what I assume to be her apprentice. They both hurry to the door, the woman quickly stopping to talk to Levi, something about a fitting for Viggo. With one last tantalising look over her shoulder, she lifts her chin and walks out.

What the actual hell was that.

Levis smirk doesn't falter as I grab my jeans from the floor and hurriedly put them on.

"Don't mind Angeline. She's a sour old hag but she's excellent and what she does." His voice is distant as I search for my shirt.

It's literally disapeared.

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