Chapter Seven: Flustered

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I'm shaken awake by a blurry figure whispering my name. I rub my eyes attempting to clear any sleep and focus on the person beside me.

I blanch.


Her slim figure, clad in a knee length silk nightie, stands idly by the bed. What the hell?

I look around at the dark room, noting it's still night time. I glance back at Tammy ready to ask her what she's doing at Johns house in a nightie but stop when she holds out her hand.

"Quick, come with me". Her soft voice sends chills down my spine. Somethings wrong.

Instead of thinking it over I decide to grab her hand and allow her to draw me out of the room. I mean its Tammy, when it comes to us trust isn't a question.

A clang from deeper in the house tells me we aren't alone. It must be John. Does he know Tammy is here?

We eventually reach the end of the hallway and pause. Tammy takes a step backwards and then behind me.

"Look." She whispers in my ear.

I peer into the living room and almost gasp if it weren't for my hand flying up fast enough to stop it.

In the centre of the living room is a chair and on that chair is a young man. Both his feet and arms are tied haphazardly to the small wooden seat with a thick bright red rope. 

As I take in the mans petrified face, I fail to notice the approaching figure. John.

In his hand he carries a kitchen knife that shines cunningly in the silver moonlight. I feel the blood leave my face as my hands start to shake.

I look away as he advances on the bounded man.

"No, look". Tammys hands grab my head, forcing me to look at the two men.

Unable to free my head I watch in horror as John pulls back the mans head and raises the knife. I try to yell, move, anything but I am incapable of anything but watching.

The knife comes down fast and hard causing the most horrid sound to come from the mans throat. I gag as the man goes still and blood seeps onto his white shirt.

I glimpse at Johns face etched with a wicked smirk, my revulsion grows.

Tammy lets go of my head and leans on my shoulder.

"Not such a good guy after all."


I gasp awake, taking in gulps of air as I become fully conscious .

Eventually my breathing evens out and I slowly sit up to get off the sweat filled pillow and mattress.

I am no stranger to nightmares but that was something completely off the scale. Everything had seemed so real; Tammy, the knife, the blood... John. His sinister face after what he had done made me tremble.

But that's all it was. A nightmare. Something that couldn't possibly be like John.

And yet he kills people. Who? I don't know. I just hope they're the bad kind.

Exhaling I gradually make it off the soft mattress and into the connecting bathroom.

I nearly laugh when I see myself in the mirror. My hair had tangled itself into one giant knot, my makeup from the night before has run everywhere and my clothes are more wrinkled then my grandmother.

Attempting to fix myself I wash my face with cold water, comb through my fair with my fingers and take of my blouse. The singlet underneath provided no warmth whatsoever but the blouse had to go.

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