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"Wait...she didn't let you get chocolates?! What a sick woman!" Zoe yells through the phone.

I'm currently laying on my bed, wrapped in a towel, speaking to Zoe who is building a puzzle (according to her.)
I kind of don't believe the girl. Last time she told me she was building a puzzle she was actually dissecting some sort of dead animal. She said it was for educational purposes. I very much doubt that.

"The chocolates weren't going to be for me, though. It was half for Eleanor and half for Macy," I clarify.

"And you wouldn't have taken any? Couldn't be me," Zoe laughs.

I roll my eyes. Of course she would. Zoe wouldn't miss an opportunity where she can get chocolate.

I hear a knock on the door. It wasn't my dad because that knock was too hard.

"Hold on, Zoe. Someone is at the door." "Yeah?" I call out to whoever is on the other side.

"Room service," I hear Axel's voice.

I groan. "What do you want?"

"Your mother said that she wants to speak to you."

"You mean our," I correct him.

"Oh no, I meant your, I'm adopted remember?" He laughs.

Zoe laughs as she listens to our conversation. How could she not? We are practically yelling.

I shake my head at his little bad joke.

"I'll be down in a sec!"

I say my goodbyes to Zoe and I quickly get dressed. My Mom had ordered everyone to dress nicely. She always tells us to but today's dinner was somehow "special."
I run down the stairs and jump down on the 2nd to last step.

"Stop doing that. You'll get hurt," My mom says as she enters the living room.

Why does she care so much? She never has before, why now?
But I don't say that. Instead I say, "yes, ma'am."

I sit on one couch and she sits across from me.

"You wanted to speak to me?" I question unsure.

She nods. "I did."


She hesitates before speaking.

"I'm happy that you found yourself someone-"

"I apologize. But Eleanor is not my girlfriend. I haven't found anyone yet."


"Well...whatever. As I was saying, I'm happy for you..." she starts once again.

I think I know where this is going. "Is this about Eleanor's mom?"

"N-no. Of course not. I was just going to tell you that the chocolates are there...just take them," she finalizes before standing up.

My eyebrows furrow. I stand up as well making her stop. She raises an eyebrow at me.

"You have been acting weird ever since we got back from Eleanor's house. This obviously has something to do with her mom. Is there going to be a problem if I continue to see Eleanor?"

My mom's past relationship with that woman can't effect her present. It shouldn't. Or can it? Well...depending on what went on inside of it and how it ended.
But she can't prohibit me from seeing Eleanor.

"Alex, it's complicated. It's just weird seeing Lena again. Your relationship with Eleanor won't be affected so don't worry."

I'm not sure if I should believe her. After all, she is a good liar.
I nod and walk away into the kitchen.
I grab the box of chocolates and make my way to my room.

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