split into pieces

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What time is it? My alarm (the children) hasn't gone off yet. It's odd that I'm getting this much sleep. Or maybe it's very early but I feel like I've slept a lot.
Am I dreaming? And my arm is starting to lose it's blood circulation.

I open my eyes slowly and look at my surroundings. I'm in my room, in my bed. The curtains are closed but very little light is coming through.
I look to my left and god did I almost shit my boxers when I saw a sleeping figure next to me.
The dark, black hair immediately told me who it was...


I want to slap her right here and now but I don't. I'm going to contain myself. But that's only because she looks very peaceful at the moment. She can seem innocent and pretty while sleeping but once she is awake, hell is released into earth.
She's my storm but I always make it out alive.
And sometimes you need a storm in order for your land to stay alive.

I'll let Zoe sleep on my arm until she wakes up. And I have no idea until when that'll be.
It can take up to an hour, half an hour, hopefully less.
I won't be able to use my left arm if she sleeps more than half an hour. And God knows Zoe is a heavy sleeper and also very hard to get up.

But I do have one major question, how did she get inside of my room?
I think I have an answer.
And 2, how did she get inside the house.

I look to my right and pick up my phone from the nightstand.
It's 9:15 am.
Then yes, I have an answer.
Either one of the children let her in or mom let her in, maybe even dad but I think he left already.

I set my phone back down and sigh. Zoe starts to shuffle next to me. She's ready to wake up.
I stare at her as her facial expressions change dramatically. I've never seen so many emotions show in one's face at such a short time.
At last, her eyes flutter open.

"Goodmorning, darling," she yawns. She allows herself to stretch every damn muscle in her body.

"Goodmorning? What are you doing in my room and how did you get in?" I scoff.

She finishes her stretch and looks at me then closes her eyes.

"Damn, can't see my friend now.." she mumbles. "Anyways, your dear mother allowed me inside your lovely home. Plus you never lock your door so I took advantage of."

I glare at her even though she can't see me. I wish I had lazer eyes or something, just to show people how angry or upset I am, at times.

"You're unbelievable, Zoe," I state as I remove my arm from underneath her.

I slide out the bed and walk into my bathroom, Zoe yelling behind me to come back to bed with her. I ignore her and shut the door, locking it.
I need to practice doing that.

After 10 minutes of being in the bathroom, there is a knock on the door.

"Alexina, I need to pee! Can you please hurry!" Zoe pleads desperately.

I chuckle to myself. This will be fun.

"I still need to shower, darling," I mock her.

"Alexina!" She yells.

"Yes, babe?" I yell back. I try to hold back a laugh by covering my mouth.

"Let me in!" She begins to bang on the door.

I roll my eyes and unlock the door. I swing the door open and Zoe runs in. She doesn't wait for me to get out, she pulls down her shorts and sits down on the toilet.

"It was an emergency, huh?" I laugh at her.

She glares at me. I laugh and walk out the bathroom. Today sure will be fun.

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