Murder of Rheanna Targaryen

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All was now peaceful in Westeros and in particular the North. Lord Eddard Stark became the new Warden of the North and Lord of Winterfell. This had been due to his father's and the older brother's deaths so he did his duty. He had been doing his duty by marrying Catelyn Tully as it was who his older brother was going to marry. What the Quiet Wolf did know was that his brother had found love in the Hidden Dragon, Rheanna Targaryen. It made his proud because he knew that his younger brother, Benjen felt responsible for their sister's death. 

It was a lovely sunny day in the house of the Targaryen-Stark family. No one knew that the newly crowned King was riding for Greywatch Watch where the family was hiding. Rheanna had her suspicions and knew that there was going to be chance that she would be killed in cold blood by the King and that her husband will never get to ever see his daughter again. Rheanna was a green seer herself but had been forced by her step-mother to hide that part of that from her father who was known as the Mad King. 

Rheanna was also a warg herself which confused the young woman until she had met the Starks ,the Wardens of the Northern Kingdom, during the Tourney of Harrenhal. Rheanna knew that her daughter may be the one to inherit the same abilities as herself. Suddenly there was the sound of hooves in the distance which meant bad news for them all. Rheanna knew why the King was here and when she had told her husband, he became more protective over his wife. Her husband's name was Benjen Stark. 

When the King had finally arrived at his destination, he knocks Benjen out unconscious with his war hammer before getting his men to personally escort Benjen to the Wall. Beforehand, Rheanna had told Benjen to leave but Benjen had disagreed with her. Benjen now knew what his was on about. Eventually Benjen woken up but he was now facing the King. King Robert says to Benjen "I Robert of House Baratheon sentence you Benjen of House Stark to the Wall where you shall serve as a member of the Nights Watch." 

The King continues "You will never see your wife or daughter ever again. If you try and fight the men at Castle Black and ever try to escape, you will be punished by the Lord Commander. Your daughter will be a ward for Jon Arryn and will be raised in the Vale until I decide otherwise." Benjen bows his head and doesn't fight the guards as he now saw no point anymore. This was because he wanted his daughter to be safe without there being an issue at all.

As soon as the young Lord of Moat Cailin taken away by Lannister guards, Robert could focus on his main task. His task was to kill the remaining Targaryen princess in Westeros so that there won't be anymore threats to the Iron Throne. What the King didn't know was that there was another half-Targaryen in Westeros who his so called friend passed off as his bastard to protect him from the King.

When the King and his hired assassin had found the Targaryen princess, they had found that the mother was the only one in the room as there was no sign of the little girl. The King says to his assassin "Find me the girl and bring her to me." The assassin bows to the King and eventually finds the child but he of course didn't want her to be harmed by the King. The King meanwhile was too interested in stabbing the child's mother unaware that the child was actually watching from a distance making regret fill the child as she watched on helplessly.

After her mother bled to death, the child watched on horribly as her deceased mother was raped by the King in front of her eyes. The child's name was Adrianna Crystal Stark but her Targaryen name was Nymeria Targaryen.
Of course the young girl didn't really use her Targaryen name unless she wanted to. Adrianna was scared of the consequences if she used her Targaryen name. This was because of the massacre in King's Landing which had killed her cousins on her mother's side of the family.

However she had to learn to be a lady even if she never wanted to be a lady at all. Adrianna was more like her mother and other aunt in that sense but no one mentioned it as they were scared of her. The assassin then brings the child forward. The King says to the child "You are going to be in the Vale for the rest of your childhood. If you escape from him then you will be hunted down and killed." The King stood near the little girl as he observed that she didn't look like her mother in any way.

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