The King arrives and the crypts

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The sound of hooves could be heard as the King rode into Winterfell with his men. Over their heads a dozen golden banners whipped back and forth in the northern wind, emblazoned with the crowned stag of Baratheon. Arya had a helmet on her head as she was currently with the commoners. She was awed at the sight of the Hound as he rode past her. Arya never wanted to be a proper Lady even if her mother and Septa Mordane tried to teach her. All of the commoners in the village near Winterfell had come out to see their King riding past them. 

Catelyn meanwhile was looking for Arya. Catelyn says "Where's Arya? Sansa, where's your sister?" Sansa just shrugs her shoulders. Adrianna stood next to one of her husbands whilst the other one was behind him. Her black Stark armour glistening in the sun. Her swords were clearly showing as her fur lined cloak covered her shoulders. Finally Arya emerged panting. Eddard says "Hey, hey,hey,hey."
Arya says "Oh."

Eddard says "What are you doing with that on?" Robb, Adrianna and Jon were smirking. Adrianna was smirking because she knew that Arya liked to be herself which usually accounted for her mischief. Eddard takes the helmet off Arya. Even Theon was smiling but that was because he was used to this sort of thing in the years that he had been there. Lord Eddard says "Go on." Arya of course just groans at her father. Lord Eddard passes the helmet to Rodrick Cassel whilst Arya gets into her place. Arya says to Bran "Move!"

Arya stood next to Bran and Adrianna winks at the young girl with only Robb and Jon noticing. The first rider to come through the gate was Ser Jaime Lannister ,the Kingslayer, with hair as bright as beaten gold. Ser Jaime was followed by the Crown Prince, The Hound and the Royal carriage. The carriage contained the Queen and the two younger siblings to the Crown Prince. Sansa just smiles at the Prince making both Robb and Adrianna look at her. The Kingslayer nods his head at Lord Eddard before looking towards Adrianna with a look of familiarity.

Adrianna nods at the Kingslayer and he nods back at her. Sandor Clegane then opens up his helm. Finally they all see the King enter the courtyard of Winterfell. Immediately, all of the household and the family bowed before the King as a mark of respect. Lord Eddard looks up as his old friend is helped down. As soon as the King walks up to Lord Eddard Stark, the King motions for the man to stand up which made everyone stand up as well. Lord Eddard says "Your Grace." He bows his head at the King.

King Robert Baratheon then says "You've gotten fat. It's good to see that frozen face of yours." Everyone looks away but Eddard looks at the King until they both start laughing as they embraced each other. The Kind walks towards Catelyn Stark and says "Cat!" He embraced her as if she was his sister.
Catelyn says "Your Grace." Robert Baratheon kisses Catelyn on one of her cheeks. The King ruffles Rickon's hair before walking to Eddard and says "Nine Years. Why haven't I seen you? Where the hell have you been?"

Lord Eddard Stark says "Guarding the North for you, Your Grace. Winterfell is yours." The Queen,prince and princess all walk out of the carriage next. The handmaidens bow their heads to the Queen. Arya says "Where's the Imp?"
Sansa says "Will you shut up?" Robert then looks at Robb and says "Who have we here? You must be Robb." Robb nods his head before shaking the hand of the King before holding his wife's hand once again.

The King walks towards Adrianna and asks her "Who are you, young girl?" Adrianna calmly says "My name is Adrianna Royce-Stark." Inside though, the young woman was panicking. She then says "I was adopted by Lord Royce before Lord Arryn had left the Vale for King's Landing. My husband is the heir to Winterfell, Robb Stark. I'm sorry if we didn't get married as soon as you were here, Your Grace." She bows her head in respect to him. The King saw that she was in armour and not clothes like everyone else but didn't question her at all.

The King says "I see that you are skilled with two swords and not one. I never thought that girls in the North were allowed to train or sword fight." 
Adrianna says "I was a special case to Lord and Lady Stark as I was trained in the Vale with my adopted father and adopted uncle so that I could fight when my Lord husband demands it of me. My adopted uncle is here in Winterfell but he is currently attending to something."

Arthur Dayne under the name of Robyn Royce was actually in the castle in his room because he didn't want to face the person who had killed Rheagar Targaryen and had smiled upon the corpses of Aegon Targaryen and Rhaenys Targaryen after the Sack of King's Landing had happened. Ser Arthur Dayne still remembers that day very clearly as it had been the moment that he had seen the body of Elia Martell. His sister Ashara Dayne had told him the grave news when he had come to Starfall with Lord Stark.

The man had loved Elia Martell so there was obviously an undertone of anger and hatred but the knight never showed it once. That was the same skill that Adrianna had inherited which made the knight ever more cautious. Even Adrianna didn't want to face him but was forced to do so by her uncle and aunt. The King actually laughs as soon as she had said that. He moves onto Sansa and says to her "My, you're a pretty one." He moves over to Arya and says "Your name is?"

Arya says "Arya."
He then walks over to Bran and says "Oh, show us your muscles ." Bran did as he was commanded to do which makes the King laugh. The King says "You'll be a soldier."
The Kingslayer takes off his helm and Arya says "That's Jaime Lannister, the queen's twin brother." 
Sansa says "Would you please shut up?"

The Queen walks forward and outstretched her hand which makes Eddard bow his head and kisses her hand. Lord Stark says "My Queen."
Catelyn curtsises and then says "My Queen." King Robert then suddenly says to his host "Take me to your crypt. I want to pay my respects." The queen had begun to protest.
The Queen says "We've been riding for a month, my love. Surely the dead can wait."

Robert Says to his host "Ned." Lord Stark followed after his old unfamiliar friend. 
Meanwhile, Arya says to Sansa "Where's the Imp?" Cersei hears what the younger Stark girl had said and walks up to her twin brother. She then says to him "Where is our brother? Go and find the little beast." Ned loved Robert for that, for remembering Lyanna all these years. Lord Stark called for a lantern and Adrianna did the same. No other words were needed. They went down to the crypts together.

Lord Eddard and this King he scarcely recognised. Down in the crypts, Robert Baratheon was breathing heavily as soon as the three of them had reached the bottom. Lord Stark also noticed that his old friend's face was red in the lantern light as they stepped out into the darkness of the crypt. Lord Stark says respectfully "Your Grace." Both he and Adrianna swept their lanterns in a wide semi circle. Shadows moved and lurched. Flickering light touched the stones underfoot and brushed against a long procession of granite pillars that marched ahead, two by two, into the dark.

Between the pillars, the dead sat on their stone thrones against the walls, backs against the sculptures that contained their mortal remains. Lord Stark says "She is down at the end. With Father and Brandon." Lord Stark and Adrianna led the way between the pillars and the King followed wordlessly, shivering in the subterranean chill. It was always cold down here. Their footsteps rang off the stones and echoed in the vault overhea as they walked among the dead of House Stark. The Lords of Winterfell watched them pass.

Their likenesses were carved into the stone that sealed the tombs. In long rows they sat, blindly eyes staring out into the eternal darkness. While great stone direwolves curled around their feet. The shifting shadows made the stone figures seem to stir as the living passed by. Lord Eddard and Adrianna stopped at last and lifted the oil lantern. Lord Stark says "Here." The King nodded silently, knelt and bowed his head. After a while, Lord Eddard says to the King "Tell me about Jon Arryn."

Both Lord Stark and Adrianna wanted to know how Jon Arryn had died. King Robert shook his head before he says "I have never seen a man sicken so quickly. We gave a tourney on my son's name day." The King then says "If you had seen Jon then, yo would gave sworn he would live forever. A fortnight later he was dead. The sickness was like a fire in his gut. It burned right through him. I loved that man." Adrianna walks off at this point back to her shared chambers where she sat in silence until her direwolves yapped which made her see what was going on. 

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