The Godswood and the aftermath

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Adrianna then went to the Godswood to pray but had then accidentally heard some of the conversation between her aunt and uncle. She had feared that it had something to do with Jon Arryn but didn't know for certain. Catelyn says "All these years and I still feel like an outsider when I come here."
Eddard says "You have five Northern children. You're not an outsider."
Catelyn says "I wonder if the Old Gods agree." Adrianna had sneaked off at that moment.

She had left no trace that she had even been there in the first place. Eddard was cleaning his sword after beheading the deserter. Eddard then says "It's your gods with all the rules." He was smiling at that moment but as soon as he sees Catelyn, his smile fades. Catelyn had her face lowered and was clutching a note. Catelyn says "I am so sorry, my love."
Eddard says "Tell me."

Catelyn says "There was a raven from King's Landing. Jon Arryn is dead. A fever took him." Eddard looked shocked but he didn't show it on his face at all. Catelyn then says "I know he was like a father to you." 
Eddard says "Your sister, the boy?"
Catelyn says "They both have their health, gods be good." She then sits down next to her husband and after looking at him, she says "The raven brought more news."

Eddard looks at Catelyn who then says "The King rides for Winterfell. With the Queen and all the rest of them. " Eddard says "If he's coming this far North... there's only one thing he's after."
Catelyn says "You can always say no, Ned."
Eddard says "We must bring the gave news to Adrianna. He was like a father to her also. She deserves to know of his death." 

Catelyn agreed with her husband so when both returned, they summoned the whole family and Theon to Eddard's solar. In the solar, Eddard and Catelyn told Adrianna the news of Jon Arryn's passing. However when they had told them all, Adrianna didn't show any emotions but Eddard knew that inside Adrianna was breaking down from the loss of a brilliant person. She then stands up and leaves the room. Arya was about to follow her when Eddard had stopped her. He says to them "I don't know how she will cope with her loss." 

Eddard then says "But I urge you to leave her be for now. I believe that she will stay in her room for most of the time. When she trains with you boys, I would watch out for her aggressive attacks as she will still be angry wither at herself or the King. I also believe that both Robb and Jon should stay close to her as she will need them more than ever." Everyone in the room including Theon were worried about Adrianna. They were then dismissed from the solar and Arya went to find Adrianna. 

When she saw Adrianna in her room, Arya was really shocked to see Adrianna so vulnerable and helpless. Adrianna wasn't her usual self which scared Arya slightly. The woman's eyes were already red from crying. Arya walked away as she went to find her older brother and cousin. Adrianna closed the door behind her. The first thing that she did was collapse on her bed. That was where she stayed until there was a knock on her door. She opened the door only to see a servant there with her dinner and some ale. 

Adrianna closed the door once again and started to pick at her food until she had started to eat some of the food. Adrinna had drank all of her ale though. She then spent the next few hours crying for her loss as all of her good memories with Jon Arryn came rushing back to her. When it was nighttime though, Adrianna started to train with her two swords once again. She trained in the arts and had gotten better at battling with the two swords. Lord Eddard heard her training and knew that she was trying to perfect her skills for dueling with two swords. 

This had gone on for the next week and a half. The children knew that she was grieving and so left her alone. Both Robb and Jon knew that she wasn't having much sleep at night as they sometimes heard her scream. Adrianna didn't eat much which started to worry her aunt and uncle. Adrianna soon improved her sword fighting skills and this had impressed Robb as well as Jon even when they were getting bested by her. Adrianna also spent most of her time in the Godswood as she was either praying to the Old Gods or she was practising her archery. 

One time Adrianna had fought with a blindfold over her eyes and yet she still managed to hit her targets dead on. Adrianna was making a reputation for herself as the Warrior Rose of the North which had amazed the Southerners as a woman was supposed to do all the domestic work. Everyday, Lord Eddard found his niece was becoming more and more like her mother and aunt which scared him as he didn't want her to end up dead just like them. Catelyn then allowed Arya to be trained by her. 

Robb and Jon fell more in love with Adrianna as the days went on. Eddard decided to ask teh two boys to propose to her so that they can get married before the King arrives. They were getting married next week as it would be less suspicious. On the three's wedding day, Lord Eddard had been the one to perform the ceremony. All fo the Northern Lords were invitd to the wedding as they al had swore loyalty to her when they had heard her story and how her mother had been killed and also how her father was sent to the Wall. 

Benjen had been the one to give Adrianna away as her father. As soon as they had said their vows, Lord Eddard Stark says "These three soul are bound together not by the Old Gods but by the New Gods too. May the Gods bless this wedding. Robb, Jon you both may kiss your lady wife." At the feast, Adrianna had drank more ale than before but had only ate a small portion of her food. This motion had worried her uncle and aunt for the second time. When it was time for eveyone to go sleep, Adrianna was carried by her two husbands to their new room. 

In that room, Adrianna passed out from too much ale inside her system. The men fell asleep soon after but the next morning they had woken up only to see that she wasn't in the chambers. When they eventually sw her, Adrianna was with Arya in the Godswood as the youg girl was much more like a Northerner girl than a Southerner girl compared to her sister, Sansa. Adrianna says "You have grown more in strength my young wolf. But you still can't outsmart me with your wits. I am a shadow in the snow." 

Adrianna then says "I am proud of you though. I shall tell Lord Eddard of your progress the next time I see him." The two bow to each other before they began fighting once again. The two boys noticed that she had been fighting with only one of her swords instead of the usual two. For one more week Adrianna's routine had stayed the same. They had consumated the marriage two days after getting married. 

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