The Duel

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A couple hours after she had seen her father, Adrianna was still talking to Jaime Lannister about what her mother was like. To say the least, Jaime Lannister actually knew a lot about her mother as well as her uncle Rheagar. Jaime had seen Ser Arthur Dayne an hour ago and was now talking to the Knight as they discussed what each of them would have done in the other's situation. Adrianna went away from the two knights as she went to the Godswood. Whilst she was at the Godswood, Adrianna sharpened her weapons using a whetstone and prayed to the Old Gods. 

Ser Arthur forgave Jaime for killing Aerys because he knew how insane the King actually was especially when he had to protect Elia from the Mad Kings wrath. Jaime Lannister forgave Arthur for not protecting the eldest daughter to Aerys Targeryen properly even when she needed his help. Eventually though, the two knights got over their differences as they now swore to not only protect Jon but also Adrianna from the King and anybody else who wished to harm the two or use them as bait for a much bigger purpose. 

Adrianna wasn't there to witness the interaction between the two knights but she somehow knew that the two knights understood each other unlike any other knight in existence. Jaime had told Arthur how things had changed in the Kingsguard since his time. The older knight swore to the Old and New Gods that he will be able to get his revenge for the murders of Elia Martell, Aegon Targaryen and Rheanys Targaryen. Jaime says to Arthur "I will help you get the revenge that you deserve." 

Jaime then says "Elia's death was unfortunate and that is the reason why the Martells hate me and my family. I hate being called the Kingslayer but that is what many people called me." Arthur looks at Jaime and the older knight nods his head before saying "We will live to protect the two last remaining Targaryens that still live in Westeros. Our King will not notice that we are going to play the game for him. House Dayne and many other houses are behind Lord Stark and Adrianna with this plan which they are making into a reality." 

Ser Arthur then says "My niece has proved multiple times that she is a brilliant Lady whilst also being a warrior. The Northern houses all now have a winery as well as a glass garden which means that they can now prepare themselves for the harshest of winters which is to come. The Starks are right as well, Winter is Coming that much I can say. Adrianna has done her best and it has paid off because no longer is there much tension between Jon and Lady Stark. She is always honest and does want to be able to be civilised with you without there being tension. " 

Jaime says "You have been North for a very long time, my old friend. Things have changed but I cannot tell whether they have been for the better good or for the worst. The King has managed to plunge the Kingdoms into debt. The North has improved since the last time that I was here. Adrianna is doing a brilliant job because she has restored the North to a better place to be. No one is ever going to disagree with her. She would have made a good Queen as she has cared for the commoners according to the reports from Lord Royce as well as Lord Tully."

Jaime then says "She is a Dayne alright but has more of the North and Dorne inside herself than Dragonstone or Kings Landing. She is a true leader and clearly knows her strategies in battle and how to make the people like her. She has the heart of her mother inside her and yet she has the looks of her father and her uncle Ned. The Northerners accept her then? I mean there is no looks of hatred whenever she walks by Lord Stark's bannerman. She is someone to be mindful of but also we can rejoice the fact that she is where she belongs." 

Jaime then says "The queen's children aren't Robert's children which is why they look pure Lannister."
Arthur says "You are saying that they are your children. That is really bad for both you and the Queen especially if someone finds out and then tells the King. The Northerners have accepted her since they were told the truth of who she was. They know that she is part of the North and that she is a welcomed guest here. Who had killed Jon Arryn then?" 

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