The Direwolves

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Robb went first followed by Adrianna and then Jon. That was when Jon reappeared on the crest of the hill before them. He waved and shouted down at them. "Father, Bran, come quickly, see what Robb has found!" Then he was gone again. Jory rode up beside them. "Trouble, my lord?"
Eddard says "Beyond a doubt. Come, let us see what mis-chief my sons have rooted out now." He sent his horse into a trot, Jory and Bran and the rest came after.

The others of course followed after the three . In the Woods, they all noticed a dead stag. Everyone including Theon dismount from their horses. Eddard says "What is it?"
Theon says "Mountain Lion?"
Eddard says "There are no Mountain Lions in these woods." 

The riders picked their way carefully through the drifts, groping for solid footing on the uneven ground. Jory Cassel and Theon Greyjoy were the first to reach the boys. Greyjoy was laughing and joking as he rode. Bran jumped off and ran. By then, Jory and Theon Greyjoy had all dismounted as well.

Bran heard the breath go out of him

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Bran heard the breath go out of him. "Gods!" he exclaimed, struggling to keep control of his horse as he reached for his sword. Jory's sword was already out. "Robb, get away from it!" he called as his horse reared under him. Robb grinned and looked up from the bundle in his arms. Robb says "She can't hurt you. She's dead, Jory." Bran was afire with curiosity by then. He would have the pony faster, but his father made them dismount beside the bridge and approach on foot. 

They walk onward only for Lord Eddard to see a dead direwolf with a litter of pups trying to suckle on their dead mother. Bran's heart was thumping in his heart as he pushed through a waist-high drift to his brother's side. Half buried in the bloodstained ground,a huge dark shape slumped in death. Ice had formed on it's shaggy grey fur, and the faint smell of corruption clung to it like a woman's purfume. Bran glimpsed bind eyes crawling with maggots, a wide mouth full of yellowed teeth. But it was the size that made him gasp. 

It was bigger than his pony, twice the size of the largest hound in his father's kennel. They all observe them ans then Theon says "It's a freak."
Eddard says "It's a direwolf." He sees an antler in the direwolf and then says "Tough old beast." He takes the antler out of the beast. Robb says "There are no direwolves south of the Wall." 
Jon says "Now there are five." He grabs one and passes it to Bran as he says "You want to hold it?"

The pup whimpers as it was away from it's mother and siblings. Jory looks at Eddard. Bran says "Where will they go? Their mother's dead."
Rodrick Cassel says "They don't belong down here."
Eddard says "Better a quick death. They won't last long without their mother." 
Theon walks down and says "Right. Give it here."

Bran says "No!"
The pup whimpers and Robb says to Theon "Put away your blade."
Theon says "I take orders from your father, not you."
Bran says in despair "Please, Father!" Adrianna moved so that she was near Jon.
Eddard says "I'm sorry, Bran."

Jon and Adrianna then say in unison "Lord Stark?" Eddard looks at the two before the two then say "There are five pups. One for each of the Stark children." Eddard was now listening to the two even if he could hear the pup crying. The two then say "The direwolf is the sigil of your house. They were meant to have them."
Eddard says "You will train them yourselves. You will feed them yoursleves." Theon puts away his dagger and Eddard then says "And if they die, you will bury them yourselves."

Eddard puts his sword away and then walks off. 

Robb got given two direwolves and he passes them to Theon

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Robb got given two direwolves and he passes them to Theon. Bran then says to the two "What about you?" Jon and Adrianna then say "I'm not a Stark." The two then send Bran away from them. Jon says to him "Get on." As they walk up the steep hill, they both could hear whimpering. They walk towards a tree which makes both Theon and Robb turn around. Both of them were carrying two direwolves each. Robb says "What is it?"

Both of them then bring out two more direwolves

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Both of them then bring out two more direwolves. One of them had white fur whilst the other was grey, black and red fur. Theon then says "The runt of the litter. That one's yours, Snow." He turns to Adrianna and says "Would you look at that. The fur matches two of her houses. The other runt of the litter. That one's yours, Targaryen." Adrianna nearly kills Theon if it wasn't for Jon who managed to hold her back. Robb then knew hat this was the very reason on why he didn't want his other cousin to go to the Wall. 

Adrianna walks towards her horse where she places her pup onto the horse's mane before getting back onto her horse. The pup whimpers until she picks the wolf up and places it on her lap where she then covers the little wolf with part of her cape so that the little creature was warm enough. When she rode back to Winterfell, she noticed that her other wolf wasn't in the courtyard so she went back to her chambers where she found her other wolf curled up on her bed. 

She of course didn't trust the servants with her wolf so she would be the one who would feed the wolf with meat. The whole castle knew about her having another direwolf in her chambers but what the castle workers didn't know was that Adrianna had a dragon's egg which she would hatch when the time felt right to her. She only told the other Stark family members and they agreed to keep it a secret until the time was right. Arya had been then first one to make Adrianna feel her protective instincts come to life which meant that if they ever insulted her then there would be hell to pay. 

Everyone in the castle knew that but it was because she had accidentally shown that side of her when Arya had been insulted by one of Sansa's friends. 

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