The duel part two

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The King says to her "I can now see why you are called the Warrior Rose in the North. I would like to ask how you train everyday. You are something to the family aren't you? I can now see why you were chosen to be the heir's wife."
Adrianna says "I trained everyday after every meal but sometimes I actually duelled against either Robb or the Greyjoy boy. I also teach the younger Starks archery except for Rickon who is three years old. The Lord and Lady Stark have allowed me to do so as long as I regularly update them of her situation." 

She then says "The bastard is also a great swordsman but that is because I have taught him everything that  had learned on my travels. My uncle Robyn had trained with me a lot of the time alongside my adopted father so that is why I am a lot better than I was originally." The King laughs and passes Adrianna a bag of gold as promised. Everyone applauds the warrior. She bows before taking her leave with both Robb and Jon following behind her. When they reached their chambers, Robb opens the door whilst Jon helps her inside. 

They then help her change into her normal attire. Robb says "Me and Jon are proud of you for what you have done. You have given hope to the girls who thought that they couldn't become warriors . Sansa is currently arguing with mother about how you had cheated but mother isn't having any of it because she knows that you are as honourable as father is." 

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 20, 2020 ⏰

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