Preparing for the King's arrival

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All if them knew that they must prepare themselves for the arrival of the King and the Royal Household. Adrianna was the most anxious because she knew that she must confront her past demons. She was ready to meet Tyrion Lannister as she knew that he was one of the smartest people in the whole of Westeros. Everyone in Winterfell were getting the hall and the castle ready for when the Queen and the other Royal family arrive. Catelyn was in the hall getting everything sorted. 

Catelyn says "We'll need plenty of candles for Lord Tyrion's chamber. I'm told he reads all right." Behind her was Maester Luwin who was carrying a piece of parchment with him. The Maester says "I'm told he drinks all night." Catelyn says "How much could he possibly drink? A man of his... stature?"
Maester Luwin says "We've brought up eight barrels of ale from the cellar. Perhaps we'll find out."
Catelyn says "In any case, candles. "

Up above, both Bran and Adrianna were watching from nearby as the King approached Winterfell. Adrianna was keeping a very close eye on Bran for her mother-in-law. They then started to climb down from the tower. They knew that they could be in serious trouble if they were caught once again. The maester and Catelyn were coming into the courtyard, just as Bran and Adrianna were climbing down. Bran's direwolf pup yaps a couple of times. Adrianna's direwolves meanwhile were in the chambers that she shared with Robb and Jon.

Catelyn says to the Maester "Gods, but they grow fast." She saw why the wolf pup was there and says "Brandon!" 
She also sees Adrianna and sighs loudly. Bran says "I saw the King. He's got hundreds of people." Catelyn says "How many times have I told you? No climbing."
Bran says "But he's coming right now, down our road." As soon as the two climb down, Catelyn crouches down slightly and says to Bran "I want you to promise me, no more climbing."

Bran looks down at his feet before saying "I promise."
Catelyn straightens and then says "You know what?"
Bran says "What?" Bran was confused as he had said that.
Catelyn says "You always look at your feet before you lie." 
Bran smiles and chuckles. Catelyn says "Run and find your father. Tell him the King is close."

Bran runs off and his pup quickly follows him. Catelyn turns to Adrianna and hugs her before saying "Go change into your Stark armour before joining us to meet his Grace." Adrianna nods before changing. Of course her two swords were placed into their sheaths. One was the sword that was gifted to her by Ser Royce of the Vale and the other was mother's valaryian sword which was known to many as Soul Seeker. 


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A/N: This is the cloak that Adrianna wears over her armour to protect her swords

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A/N: This is the cloak that Adrianna wears over her armour to protect her swords. 

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