The Wall and finally meeting her father for the first time

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She had also went to the Wall once whilst journeying North. When she went to the Wall, she had requested to meet the Maester and also that she needed to speak with the leader of the Nights Watch as she had important news to speak to them about. The guys who stood at the gate had been granted permission by the Maester to let her inside and helped to bring her stallion into the stables as her direwolf followed the woman up to where the Maester was waiting for her.

She asked him if he had any books to do with the Targaryens or any wars because she loved to read. The Maester asked the girl politely to put her hood down and instantly the girl complied to his request as she was only a guest in his eyes. The Maester says to her "I know who you really are as your father was a brilliant warrior who fights with his every will even if he knows that he will never see his wife or his daughter again. My name is Aemon Targaryen and I'm your great-great uncle which doesn't surprise me."

A/N: Had to put an image of him inside

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A/N: Had to put an image of him inside. 

He continues "I personally knew your mother who was kind and caring to me. I'm so sorry that she was killed by the new King, Robert Baratheon. Our houses words are Fire and Blood. You are just like her but with the same features as your father. My great-niece was a Dayne and a Targaryen. Protect the other Targaryens with your life if they are still alive. I just hope to the Old and New Gods that none of them have inherited our family's madness. You like your mother as you haven't inherited the Targaryen madness which I am proud of."

He then slowly got up and was helped to the shelves as he searched for the right book to give to his great-great-niece. When he had found the book, Aemon walked back to the chair as he handed the book to her. This told her the whole story of how their family was formed. He also got the Targaryen Family Tree book and handed it to the girl who started to read until she reached her mother's name and then her true name. Her father's name wasn't mentioned in the book which meant that her father wasn't a Targaryen at all.

The Maester told her that the two books were the gifts from him to her. The Maester then invited her to dinner where she had met the current Lord Commander of the Nights Watch. She of course stayed by the side of Aemon Targaryen as she knew that she was only a guest and not a resident of the castle. That very night, Adrianna had net one of the younger Stark members whose name was Benjen Stark. Benjen was the youngest son to Lord Rickard and the younger brother to Eddard Stark but the older sister brother to Lyanna Stark.

Benjen asked Adrianna about her house and where she was born. Adrianna didn't know why he was like this but then could understand that he may be a man who had lost everything including his wife and doesn't know if his daughter is alive or not. Adrianna says to him "I am an orphan with no knowledge of my fathers house, his name or even my mothers name but what do I know is that I am a quarter Targaryen and a quarter Dayne. I ask you as one of the members of the Stark family to bring me to Winterfell if you ask your Lord Commander."

Adrianna then says "My mother was killed by the Baratheon King. I wish that I could avoid the dangerous places in the world. There are many mysteries in the world and one if about the Wildlings. I think that they should cross the Wall as long as they promise that you will not rape, murder or harm any of the Northerners. They are just like us Northerners but they had been divided by the Wall that was built by Brandon the builder." Benjen nods his head before saying "Wake up at dawn the next morning and I shall take you to my brother."

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