Meeting with Benjen and then talking to Jaime Lannister

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When it was dawn, Nymeria woke up before everyone else as she had wanted to see what Benjen had for her. She rides on her stallion,Shadow, to the Godswood where she notices her father praying to the Old Gods. She then clears her throat but her father ignores her. This was until he hears her saying "I am here father. Now tell me what you have to say to me before you go on the hunt with the King and your brother? I need to prepare myself for the duel which I will soon announce."

Benjen turns around and says to her "You do act just like your mother and that is very dangerous because if the King ever found out about you then I don't know what would happen to our family. I have to go back to the Wall soon and I wanted to give you the ravens that the Maester has been giving me to give you when I see you again. Of course you know the Wall needs me as I was their best ranger at the Wall. Now, I will tell you that this time I may never return to you again. Maester Aemon tells me to give you the gifts in the chest."

Adrianna opens the chest only to see more books as well as scrolls of hidden knowledge. She saw a couple of daggers, a sword and about thirty shards of dragon glass which she knew could help to defeat the upcoming threat of the White Walkers. She had then got given the ravens from the Maester and gently places them into the chest which was hand carved just for her. Benjen says "I know that you my never forgive me but you are the best thing that has happened to me. Never forget and I will never forget you ever. If I die, Moat Cailin is yours."

Adrianna says "I believe you father but I need time to think about what you have told me. Tell Maester Aemon that I thank him for the gifts. Also tell him that the Shadow Wolf watches over the innocent wolf pups. He will know what exactly I am on about. I will protect the other Starks as long as you protect Jon whilst he's in the Nights Watch. I know that he plans to join the men up at the Wall. Even after the many times that I have tried to convnce him otherwise but he won't listen to me at all. It's his choice after all."

Benjen tries to comfort his daughter but she turns away from him until she walks towards her horse where she rides deeper into the woods for the next hour or so before heading back towards Winterfell. Tears streamed down Adrianna's cheeks as she realised that this could be the last time that she sees her father ever. She also knew that he is doing his duty to the realm and the Nights Watch even if he didn't have to do it at all. Benjen had rode to Winterfell where he had then started to write the message for the Maester.

Inside the letter would be information about how Adrianna was doing whilst being in Winterfell. Adrianna instantly noticed that everyone inside the castle were still sleeping as soon as she had come back to Winterfell. She had wanted to challenge Ser Jaime Lannister to a duel as she had heard rumours that he was a really good swordsman an had wanted to see how he would do against her. She planned to fight the Knight before all of the other men except for Jon go on a hunt together. 

A couple of hours later and the rest of the castle were all up. Robb and Jon had looked for Adrianna and when they couldn't find her, the two boys realised that she was probably awake before them and that she was in the Godswood. Whilst Adrianna had been in the Godswood that morning, she had prayed to the Old Gods for guidance as well as protection. When Adrianna had spotted the man, she walks over to him and the two quickly engaged in a conversation.

Adrianna says "I would like to know why they call you the Kingslayer as I am curious as to how an honourable man served in the Kingsgaurd."
Jaime says "I had killed the Mad King because he had told me to murder my own father which is kin slaying. He was also going to burn King's Landing so that Robert Baratheon could rule over ashes. He had burned your husband's grandfather and made his uncle strangle himself whilst trying to save his father." 

Jaime then says He was scheming to blow up king's Landing using Wildfire which was stored all across the city. He kept on saying 'Burn them all!'. I had killed the King at the cost of my own honour and pride. I had served in the Kingsguard in the years before it had happened. I was glad when the Targaryen boy and the mother had escaped King's Landing and had gone to Dragonstone. At least they are probably safe as they could be wherever they are in the world. "

Adrianna says "I want to tell you something that you can't tell nobody else. My mother was Rheanna Targaryen and my father is Benjen Stark. I am the cousin to all of the Stark children but I had been raised in the Vale and then the Riverlands. I was a year old when my mother had been murdered and then raped by the Fat King who comes to take my uncle away from me. I cam North when I was only eleven years old and had found my other family. You were fostered her in Winterfell until you were told to return to Casterly Rock." 

Adrianna then says "Lord Stark is almost like a brother to you but he refuses to admit himself. I don't know whether it is in his nature or it still causes him pain."
Jaime says "I don't how you know but you are right in that sense. I had once promised your mother that I would help to  protect you and I am going to keep my promise to her. I want to tell you that your mother was the most beautiful and caring person ever. " 

Jaime then says "She was only harsh and stern when she needed to be which actually proved to be a skill that many were jealous of. She would have been a great queen if the tides had favored the Targaryens and not Robert Baratheon. I can't talk treason to you of all people. I have heard the stories that you are just like your mother and father in more than one way. You would make a great Queen yourself as you wouldn't just favour the Southerners as you would take the interests of the North as well. I don't know of any Targaryens who had done the same thing."

Adrianna says "I have travelled a lot in the last few years. I also have powerful friends in Dorne who would assist me when I need them. I do know of the tension between the houses Lannister and Martell. I couldn't blame the Martells for their grudge against your house becuase Ser Gregor Clegane was the one to rape and kill Elia Martell during the Sack of Kings Landing. I wish that the deaths of my cousins could have been avoided as they were innocent people."

Jaime says "Yes, they were innocent people. I know that my father had surrounded the city and the Mad King foolishly let my father and his men into the city. That was the reason why Ned had asked why the two children were killed. Robert Baratheon had called the two Dragonspawn. I was a witness to the wedding of your parents as well as the wedding of Rheagar Targaryen and Lyanna Stark. Let me guess that Jon Snow isn't actually a bastard but the true heir to the Iron Throne. Ned had passed Jon as his bastard to protect him from Robert Baratheon."

Jaime says "If Jon was killed by Robert Baratheon then it would be a civil war between the country. That boy is lucky to have you as his sister-in-law. Unless you have married both the heir of Winterfell and the supposed bastard of Winterfell? I do know that Rheagar had married both Lyanna Stark and Elia Martell which was one of the reasons why the Rebellion had happened in the first place. Lord Stark knew about their marriage as well." Adrianna says "I have married both Robb Stark and Jon Snow as I love them both."

She then says "I know that you had tried to protect all of the Targaryens but you won't fail me at all. I wish these times weren't so hard on either of us. I fear that another war may be on our hands if Joffrey is ever King because I have heard rumours that he had skinned his younger brother's cat alive. He is a monster and an Aerys Targaryen reborn. I know that the three children aren't Robert Baratheon's children but yours. I think that it is sick of how you and the queen had in a relationship. The fight will be fair and please for the all the Gods don't go easy on me as I won't even go easy on you." 

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