Six years later

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It had been six years since Adrianna had been the ward to the Arryn family. She was now allowed to be trained with a sword as long as someone was there to observe her training. The master-at-arms was surprised to see that she had her mothers only sword and that she knew how to defend herself even against someone like a lord. He knew that she would make a great warrior in the future and he was right because she impressed the two men on a daily basis especially when she would best the boys who also trained with the master at arms.

Jon Arryn was very impressed with how much his ward had come in the last six years. She was only seven name days old but she had the pure talent of both her father and mother combined which made Lord Royce smile as he had told Lord Arryn about her being like her parents. Lord Arryn had told Lord Royce that the girl was also related to Ser Arthur Dayne which had confused the other lord until they had both questioned Ser Arthur. Ser Arthur had then told the two Lords that she was the daughter to Rheanna Targaryen who was his half-sister.

The two lords had found that part interesting because they knew that Ser Arthur would be more protective over his niece than ever as it would be the last piece to remind him of his half-sister. Jon Arryn had allowed the young girl to train as long as she didn't tell her adopted lady mother. He knew that she could have the potential of being a great lady and a warrior if the future was right for her. Lord Arryn was always updating his old ward and friend at Winterfell of her progress. 

Lord Arryn knew that eventually the young girl would meet Ser Jaime Lannister. The older lord realised then realised that Ser Jaime had made a promise to Lady Rheanna Targaryen many years ago that he would protect the princess of the Seven Kingdoms with his life. The man knew that eventually he would have to let the girl go and find out who her extended family are and where they are. Every night, Lord Arryn would read Adrianna a story from when he was fighting in Robert's Rebellion as he knew that she liked those stories. 

However he also knew that she would get nightmares every night. The Lord would then have to console and comfort the girl by telling that it was alright and that he was always there for her whenever she needed him. Adrianna relished in the fact that she had at least one person who would care for her even if it was her adopted lord father. Of course on some of her worst nights, Jon Arryn would have to get Ser Royce who would calm down the young girl when she was having one of her worst nightmares.

This of course eventually forged a strong bond between the three of them without even them realising it themselves. Her adopted lady mother had been jealous of the fact that the young girl had started to take most of her husband's time. Lysa started to treat Adrianna really harshly as she was envious of the young girl. Ser Royce also taught her how to accurately shoot an arrow and how to battle with a sword. What lord Arryn didn't know was that the young girl was often abused by her adopted lady mother. 

The young girl always felt lonely when no one was around to help her. She knew that Jon Arryn kept on refusing the King's offer each time the King tried to persuade her adopted father to be the King's hand. Adrianna got taught how to read by the personal Maester of the Eyrie as the lord wanted the girl to learn how to be a lady and a ruler especially when she finds her real family. Lord Arryn knew that the young girl could read maps already as he had witnessed it with his own eyes. 

Jon Arryn always kept Ned Stark updated on how Adrianna was doing because the old man knew that she was his only niece. The maester confirmed to Jon Arryn privately that Adrianna had a distaste towards the Baratheon house whenever he asked her what house ruled Storm's End. This made the old man worried that if the King ever came to the Vale then Adrianna would try and murder him in his sleep. Ser Royce could always tell when there was something wrong with Adrianna.

This was because she would throw more aggressive strikes towards her enemies just like she was doing now. He says to Adrianna "What is wrong with the wild shadow falcon today that is making her strike more aggressively than ever before? You are the Hidden DragonWolf and the Warrior Queen of the Vale. Is it Lady Arryn again? You must think more calmly before you get yourself injured. Think of Lord Arryn and how he would react if he saw you right now." Adrianna took multiple deep breaths in and out before calming herself down.

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