The Courtyard of Winterfell and the Deserter

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In the courtyard of Winterfell. Jon, Theon, Adrianna and Robb were all helping Bran with his archery. 

Adrianna herself was practicing with the arrows and had somehow always managed to  get her arrows into the bulls eye

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Adrianna herself was practicing with the arrows and had somehow always managed to  get her arrows into the bulls eye. This of course amazed Bran more than anyone else. Adrianna had only been there for a short while but everyone in the Northern part of the Seven Kingdoms admired her for her talents as well as her wisdom. She was the ideal model of how a Northerner woman should be. Of course the young woman was betrothed to both Jon and Robb but she knew that Jon still wanted to be part of the Night's Watch. 

Adrianna had of course been fostered in Bear Island whereas both Jon and Robb had been fostered in Karhold. The reason why it had happened in the first place was because Lord Eddard wanted to see how his niece, nephew and son would get on with the people in those places. Adrianna had built up a good relationship with the Mormonts which was why Lord Eddard was proud of his niece. Adrianna had proposed the idea of having a glass garden in each of the holdfasts years ago to Lord Stark. 

Of course that idea had actually been approved by both the crown and the other houses as Winterfell shouldn't have been the only house with a glass garden. This showed that the North were willing to support Adrianna with everything that she was willing to do to make the North self-sufficient in a way. She of course knew that her uncle, Lord Eddard Stark, had tried to persuade Jon to not join the Nights Watch but it didn't work at all. Nowadays, Adrianna spent most of her time either with Arya and Robb or she would be praying in the Godswood. 

Her father visited her often so that he could see how she was doing. Moat Cailin was now heavily fortified which now meant that if Lord Eddard declared war at any point in the future then he'll be protected from the Southerners. Catelyn and Adrianna really got on with each other which had shocked Sansa. This was because Sansa had thought that her mother would hate Adrianna. Since Catelyn had learned the truth about Jon's heritage, she had been kinder to Jon but that was when there was only the family around. 

Catelyn was not kind to Jon whenever there was any of their servants who they didn't really trust nearby. Sometimes Catelyn allowed Arya to train with the boys but that was because she knew that Arya was as troublesome as her aunt,Lyanna Stark, had been. Today though, Arya wasn't allowed to be with the boys which made Arya mad with her mother. Adrianna had offered to both Lady Stark and Arya that she could help train the young woman not jut in archery but also in sword fighting. 

Eddard had agreed to let Arya learn how to sword fight but there was the condition that she could do it when there was someone else with her when she did so. Many of the Northern houses were ready to support their liege Lord and his niece whenever they needed it. Adrianna was known to many as the Warrior Rose in the North but the Northerners new that if word got out that Eddard had a niece then there would be war. When Bran had failed to aim an arrow, he stomped his feet. Jon says to him "Go on, Father's watching." 

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