Chapter 7

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They arrived in America and went straight to the NCIS building after dropping Helena with the childcare. "Nice place."
"Glad you like it. Make yourself comfortable." Gibbs said as he walked away to get coffee. The rest scattered somewhere else, leaving Alex alone. Alex sat at the couch and pulled out his laptop. He started typing a report. Then he fell asleep.
They came back. "He looks so restless even when he's asleep." Tony whispered. Alex jerked awake and slammed his laptop shut while he scanned the room quickly. When he saw the team staring at him in shock he slumped back onto the couch and sighed while opening his laptop and started typing. "What are you doing?" Gibbs asked as he sat at his desk. "Report."
"Yes. I have to type a report."
"What? Why?" Tony asked, incredulous. "Being kidnapped and tortured-"
"But you're not on a mission though..." Tony interrupted. "Ziva, if you don't mind." Alex said, gesturing to Ziva. "My pleasure." Ziva was immediately behind Tony and gave him a head slap. "Why a head slap though?"
"Because it's what we do. Well, what Gibbs do actually."
"Ah, anyways I'm an MI6 agent so I have to type reports about what I've gathered whether it's mission or kidnap or intelligence gathering, etc."
"Are you serious? Even we don't do that!" Tony exclaimed. "You wanna do that Tony?" Gibbs asked. "NO!! Too much work!!" Tony exclaimed. "Then let Alex do his work and stop pestering him. Why aren't you looking at your keyboard when you still typing?" Gibbs asked. "I can type without looking."
"Awesome!" McGee said,"but we need to introduce him to the others."
As if on cue, Alex shut his laptop and packed it into his laptop bag. "You're done? But that took like 10 minutes! How can you do it so quickly?! How much did you write?!" Tony asked. "I did some in the car, some on the plane and the rest here. It's like a... 5 full pages of text."
"Let's go, Alex. "Gibbs said standing up. "Where are we going?"
"To see the rest of the team and to get you patched up."
"You mean you can't feel it?" They asked, shocked. Alex frowned. "You got to be kidding me... You're bleeding dude." Tony said. Alex blinked and looked at himself. The white bandage on his arm is soaked in blood. "Oh... Okay... So?"
"Doesn't it hurt?" McGee asked, incredulous. "No... Actually you know what, it's throbbing now that I think about it. It doesn't hurt, it's just... Annoying, do you get me?"
"Uh... It's annoying that you're supposedly suffering in pain but is either hiding it or you're just trying to annoy us."
"... That's not making any sense... What makes you think I'm actually hurting or trying to annoy you?" Alex asked amused. "For a guy who said, make space! Dead man coming down. I don't know when you're serious and when you're not."
"Ah... I'll leave you to figure it out. Though I think Ziva might know when I'm serious and when I'm not, so you might wanna go to her for advice." Alex joked as he followed Gibbs, who was chuckling into the lift. "Was Boss chuckling?"
"I think so..." Ziva said. "That kid's the only one that can make boss do that other than Helena." McGee said. "But boss only sees Helena once every six months since her mom is working in Paris."
"Hello Jethro. How can I- who is that?"
"Meet Alex Rider, MI6 agent. The best in his field of work. "
"MI6? Isn't he too young? Why are they using a child?"
"Nice to meet you."
"Ah. I forgot my manners. Nice to meet you too. I'm Donald Mallard. Call me Ducky." They shook hands. "No one suspects a child." Alex said, answering Ducky's previous question. "Ah. Dear me, poor boy, does it hurt? Come, get on the table, I'll replace that bloodied bandage."
"Thank you." Ducky worked quietly, which surprised Gibbs. Ducky usually talks a lot while working on autopsy and stuff but he's unusually quiet. "What's wrong?"
"... It's just somehow wrong... Why are they using this poor boy? Look at this! It's such a horrendous wound that would have hurt like a lot! And Alex is just sitting here nonchalantly looking at me dress the wound like its a small cut and not some meat being gouge out!" Ducky's little outburst was expected. Gibbs was almost about to do he same when he saw the wound but decided to keep calm. "It's okay Ducky... I... Uh..." He looked to Gibbs for help. "We need to go see Abby."
"Ah. Okay. Wait! Before you go!" Ducky busied around, gathering some things and placed them stuffed them in an almost bursting first aid bag. "I assume you know how to dress a wound..."
"Yeah. I do. I was a medic once for the military."
"... Wow. You're full of surprises, kid."
"Glad I can be of some entertainment for you." Ducky laughed and they made their way to Abby. When the lift door opened, the effect was immediate. The first thing they heard was music. Extremely loud music. "Abby!" Gibbs shouted over the music. She jerked up and quickly rushed to lower the volume from the speakers. "Gibbs! Who's that?"
"Abby meet Alex Rider, MI6 agent, best in his field of work."
"MI6... So young?"
"Ah who cares how young he is!" Abby suddenly said and pulled Alex into a bear hug. "Uh... Hi?"
"I'm Abby Sciuto. Nice to meet ya. "
"Hmm... Evanescence." Gibbs frowned, he have heard Abby mentioned something about that word but he still has no idea what that word is suppose to be for. "Oh my god. You know about them?!" She fangirled. "Of course. I love their music."
"Omigod! SAME!!" Abby exclaimed and turned up the music a little. It's playing Skillet's music now. "Skillet."
"How did you know?"
"Love their music too."
"You love heavy metal music don't you?" Gibbs commented. "Yeah." Gibbs nodded, thoughtfully. "Hero by Skillet. I especially love that one."
"Omigod. SAME." Abby gushed. "I'll leave him down here for you to fangirl to."
"Awesome! Do you want a Caf-pow?"
"What's that?"
"Coffee. It's like the best coffee on earth! You should try it!" She ran off to get the coffee.

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