Chapter 14

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Alex was on the couch typing into his laptop when McGee spoke up. "How did you know that was gonna work?"
"... Everyone either hates, fears or admires Scorpia. People who admires Scorpia, wants to impress them in hopes of getting in the good book of Scorpia and might get an advantage."
"Why did he say you are the best Scorpia assassin?"
The team all looked up curious, even Vance who was reading a report in front of Gibbs' desk stopped reading to look up. "I guess I should tell you guys... Since you guys are indirectly involved with Scorpia. One of my assassin friend, said to go to Venice to find my destiny before he died on Air Force One... I did and ended up joining Scorpia after their leader, Julia Rothman, showed me a video of MI6 shooting my dad who was a spy for MI6 that is undercover in Scorpia. I didn't know it was a coax so I got mad at MI6. Then I was given a mission by Scorpia to kill the deputy head of MI6. I couldn't do it, the deputy head knew it but there was a glass panel that protected her and they inspected where the bullet hit, it was off by a few millimetres that's when they knew I couldn't do it. They caught me, hired me back and I destroyed one of Scorpia's operation and killed quite a few people." Alex said. He was shaking slightly, he doesn't wish to kill people but it's either kill or be killed. "You alright Alex?" Vance asked, worried. He always had a soft spot for children. "Yeah, I'm fine." Alex said trailing off. He looked at the lift again, looking like he was expecting something to happen. He set his laptop onto the coffee table and stood up. He walked warily to the lift and pressed his ear to the door. He heard something echoing up softly. "Help!" It became a little more clearer. Alex whipped out his phone and called Abby. "Hey Abby."
"Are you stuck in the lift?" Alex asked. Everyone looked at him shocked. "How did you know?"
"I can hear you, Abby."
"Okay then can you get me out?"
"Of course I can. Hold on." Alex hung up and took a step back, he looked at the which level the lift is on. It's stuck between two levels. Which meant he can't get her by opening that level's door. Alex took out his steel eagle knife and stuck it between the doors and pushed it open but it wouldn't stay open. He shoved his knife to one of the door to make it stay. "Keep the door open." Alex said as he peered down to see how far away the lift is. It wasn't far. It was just stuck two level away from them. He jumped down. "Alex!" They all ran to see where he landed. He landed quietly on the roof of the lift. "Abby?"
"Hold on." Alex pulled up the opening of the roof and was greeted by the sight of an elated Abby. "Alex!"
Alex reached in and hooked a leg to one of the wires to hold him as he pulled Abby up. "Thank you so much!!"
"Come on. Let's get out of here." Alex said pulling Abby slightly. Alex offered a hand for Abby to step on. Abby stepped on and Alex pushed her up and she reached out to McGee and Tony's outstretched hands. They grabbed her and pulled her up. Alex grabbed onto the wires and climbed up and into the office silently. "Let's get Alex." They peered back but Alex was gone. "Where did he go?"
"Behind you." Alex's voice rang out, scaring them. "Hey Alex, remember the glass bomb?"
"Hey Ziva, remember the glass bomb?" They asked at the same time. They looked at each other. Then they high fived each other because they said the same thing. "What's a glass bomb?" Abby asked. "When we were on a mission, we found this bombs that were place in glass bottles so they were literally impossible to get to without detonating the bomb. Alex called them the glass bombs," Ziva said," but somehow Alex manage to get to bomb diffused. I had no idea he knew how to diffuse a bomb."
"I can make one too." Alex said," we need to get a technician to check this out. " Alex said as he looked at the lift shaft's interior. "Yeah..." Vance said. "What's the simplest bomb to make?" Tony asked. "Why do you want to know?" Alex asked. "I'm curious!!!"
"Airtight packet of flour and a little spark. Then boom!"
"Seriously... It's that easy?"
"Yep!" This kid is smart.. very smart.

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