Chapter 18

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Alex tagged along with the team when they went to the autopsy. "How long was she pregnant for?" Tony asked Ducky. "About 5 months." Palmer replied. "wo..."

"Fracture skull... Blunt object..." Alex said. He wasn't making much sense. "What are you talking about?" McGee asked Alex was was looking at the skull's x-rays. "Do i have to put it into a sentence?"

"Duh." Tony said. "I said, she suffered a fractured skull, it looks like it is caused by a blunt object. Does it make more sense now?"

"Yes." Tony said. "How did you know?" Palmer asked. "Studied medical and was an army medic once."

"Wow..." Palmer said in awe. "Never knew you studied medical. Let alone be an army medic." McGee said. Alex smirked slightly at McGee. "Is there any fragments in the fracture?"Alex asked. "Actually you reminded me. Yes there is." Ducky said as he walked to the computers and picked up a test tube placed in a ziplock bag. "There was a metallic fragment." It was a small tiny piece of fragment. "Metal... Crowbars..."

"Sentence, Alex, sentence." Tony said. Everyone looked at him. "Only you don't understand it do you?" McGee asked. "You guys do?"

"Duh." Ziva said, mimicking Tony. "He was suggesting that it might be crowbar." McGee said. "Why crowbar though?" Tony asked. " Its a common household item..." Alex said. "She has a a few broken bones and fractures and dislocated joints... and bones that were broken or fractured but they healed... Abused. Domestic Violence. Fights?"

"Fights?" Ziva asked. "There's always a chance that she was a fighter as a living." Alex explained. "Oh yeah!!!" So smart.

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