Chapter 22

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Alex peeked at the team causing them to laugh harder. "What?" Alex asked. "Ladies man." Tony teased. "No I am not." Alex said. "Yes you are. A waitress hit on you. That crazy girl chased you round the building. A 50 yr old woman said she would become a cougar if it means she can hit on you. A girl squeals just coz you said hi." Tony said. "Tony knows his job... He is using evidence against me. You wanna arrest me and read me my Miranda rights too?" Alex joked. Everyone laughed. "Now... We should get back to work... Matthew said Alexa is his wife and he abuses her. I'm guessing Thomas is the third party."
"You're right. Alexa is having an affair with Thomas." Ziva said. "It's a love triangle." Tony said. "But Thomas is married which makes it a love quadrangle." Alex said. "How did you know he is married?" Tony asked. Alex tapped on the ring on his right ring finger and give him a duh look. "Either, Matthew found out and killed Alexa or Thomas's lover found out and hired an assassin to kill Alexa or Thomas's lover killed Alexa herself." Alex said,"But Alexa was killed with a blunt object which meant Matthew wouldn't have killed her."
"What makes you think so?" McGee asked. "Scorpia either uses guns, knifes or hand-to-hand. Never a blunt object. Every Scorpia carries their weapons everywhere they go. For example, I sleep with knife and a gun with me all the time."
"Seriously?" Tony asked. "Yeah." Gibbs said. "So Matthew is a trained assassin, he would kill cleanly. " Ziva confirmed with Alex, who nodded. "Thomas's lover. Who is it?" Gibbs asked. "We're still trying to find out." Tony said. "We wouldn't be able to get anything out from Matthew anymore." Alex said. When he finished, someone came running over and had a whispered conversation with Gibbs. "Matthew is dead. He killed himself." Gibbs said. Alex nodded at the knowledge that is useless now. Ducky and Abby had went back to their respective labs.
*****next day*****
"Boss, we've got something."
"Thomas's wife. We found her. McGee and Ziva are getting her now."
"Okay." Gibbs said as he looked at Alex to check on him. He was still at the couch, typing away. Gibbs thinks that Alex knew he was looking because Alex looked up and smiled before turning back to his laptop. They interviewed Thomas's wife. She wasn't admitting to anything. Only that she looks traumatised by the fact that Thomas is so close yet so far. When she saw Alex, she turned flirty. Tony and Gibbs smirked as an idea popped into their heads. They looked at each other before looking at Alex with a sly smile. Alex raised an eyebrow, knowing exactly what they are thinking about. "I should get plastic surgery." Alex mumbled. "Come on Alex. You're the sexy one here. She wants you to interrogate her not us."
"Why does every suspect want me to interrogate them?!" Alex mumbled to himself. "Fineee..." Alex said and he entered the room. The wife blushed beetroot red as Alex entered and sat in front of her. "Hi." Alex said, not knowing how to start. "Hi." She purred," I'm Cathy Nesbitt-Stein."
"Like that dance instructor of Candy Apple?"
She giggled. "Yes. I love your voice."
"Thanks?" She giggled again. This is so bad... Why me? God loves me and hates me at the same time. "Did you know about Thomas's affair with Alexa Maynard?"
"Yes. That bastard cheated me with that bitch. I got rid of her." She said, oblivious that this is being recorded, she was hoping that if she had the strength to kill someone it might impress the sexy boy sitting in front of her and they might get a chance together. "How?" Alex asked, knowing she was thinking about impressing him. "I used that bastard's phone to text her and asked her to come to a deserted warehouse. She came thinking it was a romantic escape. I attacked her."
"A crowbar. It was laying around in the warehouse. I bashed her skull. Then beat her up. It was so satisfying to kill someone, did you know that?"
"It's not." Alex said, his expression turned colder, each passing second. The door opened and Tony pulled her up and handcuffed her. "Hey! What are you doing?! Let go!"
"You're under arrest." Tony said and read her the Miranda rights. Alex sat there watching as the woman thrashed around and struggled against Tony. "Good job, Alex." Gibbs praised as they walked out of the room. "Thanks."
"Another case close!!!" Tony exclaimed as he came back. "We're not eating that!!" Ziva exclaimed. "You chose last time Tony!" McGee said, supporting Ziva. "Let's let Alex decide since he is the one that helped crack both cases so quickly." Tony said and everyone turned to Alex. Alex blinked once. He really has no idea what to eat. "Thai food?" Alex asked. "Genius! I haven't had Thai in ages!!" Tony exclaimed," let's go Alex! We'll go pack take aways. They don't deliver."
"Sure. " Alex said as he pulled out his gun and checked the mechanism and the amount of ammunitions he has. Tony took his gun too, just in case, Tony thought as they headed for the lift.

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