Chapter 16

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Alex woke up and the events that happened flooded back. He got dressed and walked down the stairs. Gibbs was making bacon and eggs. "Good morning." Gibbs said. "Morning."
They ate silently. It wasn't an uncomfortable silence. They made a silent agreement not to talk about what happened. They drove to the headquarters. Alex had brought his laptop bag with him. "Morning Alex!" Abby greeted cheerfully, pulling him into a bone crushing hug. "Mind the bones, Abby."
"Sorry." They arrived at their levels. They greeted each other. "So, any progress?" Gibbs asked. "Currently no, we searched the petty officer's house. We interviewed his wife. She wasn't talking much. I notice some bruises on the wife's arms."
"Abuse..." Alex mumbled to himself," she might be abused by petty officer Mike. This could go one way or another. One, she hired assassins to kill petty officer. Two, petty officer has enemies that killed him. Three, she found out that petty officer has enemies and she ganged up with the enemies to convince them to kill petty officer." Alex said not really to any one. "His brain is functioning at such an early hour."
"When you're in this profession where everyone is after your head, you gotta think fast. There's assassin round every corner." Alex said, not looking at Tony. Then raising his gaze to meet Tony's. "The kid's right. The wife did hire an assassin and the assassin is one of petty officer's enemy. We found some evidence to prove their contact." Vance said. "Oh my god. Case closed!" Tony exclaimed as he slammed his file close.

Alex went to get something some time later. He came running back after a while later. "Why are you running?" McGee asked. "A girl is chasing me around this building. Hide me!" Alex said as he pushed Gibbs and Vance together and hid behind them but he disappeared from behind them without them knowing. A girl came running towards them. "Have-huff-you guys seen this really really hot guy around?" When they didn't repond, she continued. "He has this really handsome jawline and he is just perfect. Perfect hairstyle, perfect face, perfect figure. The most beautiful shade of blue I've ever seen. Blond-" She stopped suddenly when a guy with his hood up walk pass, using his phone and holding coffee in the other. He was wearing what Alex was wearing. The girl grabbed his shoulder. The guy turned around. He wasn't Alex. This guy had piercings on his eyebrow, lip, nose and ear. His eyes are a dark blue unlike Alex's, which was a little lighter. Beats Earphones hung on his shoulder, around the back of his neck. "Yes?"

"Uh... I am looking for someone, uh, he looks a tiny bit like you although he is hotter. I like you though," the girl said. The guy laughed a little, as he looked back at his phone. He held up his left hand. "Even if you like me, I'm married."

"Right... anyways, have you seen this blonde guy with a very sexy jawline, blonde hair and with eyes a lighter shade of blue then yours. Not as much piercing, wearing whatever you're wearing now. The exact same colours." the girl described. "Yeah." The guy repiled not looking up from his phone. "REALLY???? Where did he go?????"

"Told me he was going to get a cup of coffee."


"The nearest starbucks."

"OMIGOD!!! Thank you so much!!!!" The girl exclaimed and ran off. The guy stood there, still using his phone He dared a glance up. She's gone. "Who are you?" Tony asked. The guy looked at him. He began removing his nose ring that didn't require a piercing, his eyebrow ring and his ring which he switched finger to the right hand's ring finger. He rubbed the bridge of his nose in frustration as he shut his eyes. When he opened them, it was Alex's shade of blue. "Alex?"

"No, its Sherlock Holmes. I came to bless you with my knowledge." Alex said sarcastically as he turned back to his phone. "Your disguise is really good. Even we couldn't recognise you." Gibbs said. "Yeah! How are you so good?" Tony asked. "When you have to hide, you will have to be good at disguises." Alex said. "How did you change your eye colour?" Vance asked. "Contacts. MI6's gadget maker, designed it to change eye colour." Alex said, looking up. He set his phone down and took off his jacket then flipped it inside out and wore it back on. It was the same jacket just a different colour. A more of a dark blue. "That is so smart." McGee mumbled. "Alright. Lets get back to work." Gibbs announced. Alex shoved one side of his earphones into his ear. "Got a case. A scoutboy found a dead body while going to fetch his arrow." -Got that from JAG season 8 episode 20 'Ice Queen'-

"Lets go. Alex, come along?"

"Sure." Alex answered and followed them into the lift after they gathered their equipment, they met Ducky on the way down. "Have you seen a dead body before?" Duck asked Alex. "I caused quite a few horrific deaths. You have no idea how many..." Alex said, mumbling the last part. "Crime scene?" Tony asked. "Caused a lot of them." Alex said. This kid doesn't wanna talk about it but he pushed aside his emotions anyways...

Alex Rider Crossoverजहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें