Chapter 12

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After a few minutes of silence, Alex's phone vibrated again. "Hello?"
"Hiya Cubbiekins!!" A cheerful guy greeted really loudly, Alex had to pull the phone away. "Hi Eagle."
"What are you doin' now?!"
"Listening to you talk?"
"No, seriously, what are you doing now?"
"Sitting in a car?" Alex was being vague which annoyed the hell out of Eagle. Alex put the phone on speaker. "I am getting nothing out of Cub am I?!" Eagle shouted to someone in the background. They just laughed and said," of course you aren't! He is not gonna tell you anything unless it involves your life and it's important!"
"Okay... Cub!! I'm gonna die!! Tell me what you're doing before I die!" Eagle exclaimed. The agents stifled a laugh. Alex smiled slightly. "Nice try Eagle. I would know if you are actually dying."
"DON'T TOUCH MY FOOD, FOX!!!!!!" Eagle exclaimed. "Yeah you were saying?"
"I said, I would know if you're actually dying."
"Ah... So who are you bringing to my wedding? Did I tell you she's absolutely gorgeous? OMG!-"
"You did. You almost got me killed remember?"
"Right, sorry about that." Alex was almost killed and he was only apologising? That's so inappropriate! "Uh, I'm gonna tell you who I bring later."
"Wolf!" Alex said. "Yeah mate?" He answered. "Did he eat teaspoons after teaspoons of sugar?" Everyone laughed. "Hey!" Eagle exclaimed in the back ground. "No he didn't. He ate buckets after buckets of it." Wolf said. Everyone laughed again. "Bye gotta go! EAGLE!!! THATS MY PIZZA!!!!!"
"What's with the code name?" Tony asked. "SAS. I was sent to SAS for a 2 weeks training before I did my first mission. They gave me the code name Cub because I was a teenager and was the youngest."
They arrived at the office and ended up following Alex and Ziva to the training room. Alex and Ziva walked to a clear space. "You wanna go weapon or nah?" Alex asked. "Weaponless first."
"Alright." Alex said as they got into a fighting stance. "Go!" Gibbs announced. Alex had Ziva pinned to the ground in a minute. "Alex! You're gonna break my arm!!" Ziva exclaimed from below Alex where he had her stranded and her arm pulled painfully behind her. "Sorry." Alex said as he got up and pulled Ziva up with him. "Why are you so light?" Was the first question that came out without her even thinking. She felt his weight while on her and was concern about it. No teenager his size would be that light! "I am?"
"Yeah. " Ziva said as the team looked on, concern. "I dunno..."
'I guess being captured and tortured for 6 months does that to you...' Alex thought. "You wanna go weapons?" Alex asked changing the topic. Ziva knows that he know why he was light but wasn't telling, in fact everyone knows that he know. "Alright." Ziva said as she pulled out a pretty sharp knife. Alex pulled out a steel eagle knife. "Are you guys sure?" Gibbs asked. "Yep." They both replied and spun the knife in their hand like it was a pen and wasn't anything dangerous. "Alright. Go!"
Alex blocked Ziva's knife and soon Alex got rid of Ziva's weapon and have her pinned to the ground and held the knife to her throat but it was a good 5 cm away. Alex helped Ziva up. Ziva asked if he just wanna hit the punching bag instead. Alex agreed. "Aren't you gonna wrap your hand?" McGee asked. "Nope." Alex replied as he swung at the bag. "You can't wrap your hands in real life when you're punching someone solid, can you? You can't be like,' wait!! Let me wrap my hands first!'" Alex said and Ziva laughed. "True." Alex jumped up and kicked at the bag. It swung far away from him. It went straight back for Ziva. She didn't have time to move away. Alex's hand instinctively went over and grabbed her arm, pulling her away from the line of the swinging punching bag. "Alex just saved Zee-vah!" Tony announced as they headed for the lift to go to their respective level to do their work. Alex sat at the table in the lounge area and started work, typing his reports. This is gonna be a long one... Alex thought as he typed, looking up once in a while to check on the team. They noticed him doing it. "Why do you keep looking up?" Tony asked. "Am I? Ah goddammit... I'm doing it again!" Alex mumbled the last bits. "Yeah you are." They all now know it's a habit that was done without him knowing.

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