Chapter 33

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This is the longest fanfiction I've written. EVER. And let me tell you, I've written a lot of fanfictions not just for Alex rider but for Naruto and some other made up characters. Now... let's get back to the story shall we? - grins evilly -
It took Alex a few days to wake up. They were all extremely glad that he wasn't in a coma so they are willing to wait for that few day.
"Alex." Abby chirped. "Hey." Alex croaked out quietly. "Uh... we... you... can't walk anymore." Abby said, nervous about how the super spy would react. The spy loved moving around simply. To be able to run makes the spy happy. "I know. I knew it was gonna come to this." Alex said quietly. "How?"
"They told me the effect of the drug and gas before putting them in me. And everyone knows that once you can't feel anything waist down, you can't walk." Alex said, shrugging as if it was no big deal.
Alex was discharged and he slowly started regaining his memories. Alex was sitting in his wheelchair after one of those physiotherapy session. It was tiring but Abby wanted the spy to be able to walk again. Although... "Ahhh!!!!" Eagle's battle cry rang out as he charged up to Alex. Alex rolled his wheelchair away, and Eagle almost tripped. Alex took the chance of the momentarily distracted Eagle and rolled the wheelchair back to Eagle's foot. Then he elbowed Eagle. "Owww!!!!! Why the fudge are you so hard to beat even if you're sitting down? What even?!?!"
Alex is still hard to beat even if he is wheelchair bound so Gibbs was pretty happy about that. "Go back inside Eagle. Or else Wolf is gonna punch you in the face and you're gonna have a black eye during your wedding ceremony later." Alex said, ordering him lightly. Eagle mock-saluted and strolled off.
Later during the day, the wedding started and they did the ceremony and now we have a Mr. and Mrs. Morris.
"Alex!!!!!! Dance with us!!!!" The girls squealed. Alex gestured to the wheelchair. "Come on! We'll hold on to you." The girls said as they helped him up and pulled him around slowly so he can be practicing to walk and be dancing with them at the same time. Alex was light so they can easily supported him.
Soon, Alex was able to walk on his own without much help.
And now....
"Ow!!! I surrender!!!!! Get off!!! You're breaking my arm!!!" The small lethal boy got up gracefully from the position on the ground where he straddled a man twice his size and thrice his weight. The boy helped the man up. "That's was awesome. You took out all of us... And that's such a bad thing... it just deflated our egos." They all laughed. "Good job Alex!" Tony exclaimed.
Now, our favourite super spy can walk and run like he has never been paralyze waist down ever.

Hope you guys enjoyed it. I enjoyed writing it. :) :) :) <3<3<3

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