Chapter 6

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Author's note: First things first Merry Christmas to everyone. I want to thank you all for more than 1K views. I want to tell you that this chapter is a little longer than the other one's. But I hope you'll like reading it.                                                                                                                  Lots of love, Maya.

Kabir Pov

That comment pissed me off. He was clearly bragging about his victory and reminding me of my biggest defeat. So i couldn't stop myself. "Listen very carefully Mr. Raisinghania, I'm a Police Officer, I don't work on people's permission. I work for law and if I'm allowed by the law I can do anything. So today it is not about your permission or not, but it's about the wrong action that you have done in the past that can give me such power to not just touch you but to arrest you."

My speech didn't affect him. He had the same stupid smirk on his face. I wanted to do something to erase that arrogant smile from his lips. But I should control my emotion because the more I reacted the more he had a certain power on me. "So if you're done with your "talk", I'm leaving."

He didn't say anything. He just stared at me like he was kind of daring me to leave. I held his look and left the room.

When I was about to leave from the main door, the guy who called me with the other four bodyguards blocked my way.

"What?" I asked harshly.

"You can't leave the mansion without Boss' permission." he said in a robotic voice.

Oh yeah,as if his boss was the God of this whole world. "And kind of permission do I need now? Let me guess, a written leave application from my side with your Boss' signature and stamp on it." I said it in a sarcastic tone.

He didn't answer me, just continue looking me in the face. What is with the men of this house? They gave the looks and you should get your answer by that. So I decided to do it their way, I just looked back at him, waiting for a spoken answer.

At that moment Vansh came out of his room, walking like a king. I must say uh, he had such a confidence that couldn't be matched by an earthly person.

"See Inspector, this is my kingdom. Each and everything that happens here is with my permission."

"So if I can have your divine permission Mr. Raisinghania, may I leave your...hmmmm...celestial empire?" I remarked with a fake smile.

I can say by his facial expressions that I was giving him a hard time. So he nodded toward his bodyguards and they aparted away. I looked back at him. "Don't assume that it's finished here Mr. Raisinghania. I'll meet you very soon."

"Oh I bet we will, Inspector. I am really looking forward to it."

On that note, without adding anything I left his mansion.

I immediately proceeded to the Commissioner's office. I really need a powerful support system to help me with case.

I greeted the guard in front of the office and entered the building and asked the other guard to inform the Commissioner that I was here.

After a while I was allowed to see him. I entered and saluted him.

"Take your seat Inspector Kabir. I heard about Neha's death, I'm really sorry about that."

"Yes sir, it's a big loss for our department. And I need your help to solve this case."

"Tell me how can I help?"

"I want to file a case against Mr. Raisinghania. He's my prime suspect."

"You want to say Vansh Raisinghania?" he asked with a shocked voice.

"Yes sir. I personally saw him leaving the crime scene just after Neha's death. He also admitted to me that he was there with Neha. Unfortunately I don't have an official statement. And the court is asking for strong evidence which for now I can't provide. I'm here to ask you if there is any way that I can at least start a proper investigation?"

At first he didn't respond to me. With a thoughtful face he then said: " You know what Kabir? I think you need some rest. You can have a week of holidays."

What? Was he serious about it?

"But why sir?"

"I can understand that a tragedy happened and you are not in a state of mind to think straight. And you know what? I just got a present from a friend of mine." he opened a drawer and put a ticket in front of me "Here, this is a cruise ticket. Take some rest and enjoy yourself."

"But sir..." I protested but he interrupted me.

"It's an order Inspector."

I sighed in defeat and nodded: "Okay sir."

"You may go now."

"Jai Hind." I said and exited the room angrily.

Who is he to think that I need a break? Oh, yeah right, the Commissioner.

I got into my office and sighed, this time tiredly.

"What happened, sir?" Mishra asked.

"Could you believe that the Commissioner is sending me on a holiday. On a cruise?"

"Wow, sir.That's fantastic!" he stated in excitement.

"Fantastic? I'm here investigating on Neha's murder, searching evidences against Vansh Raisinghania and you think that going on a holiday is fantastic?" I took out my anger on Mishra.

"Sorry, sir. I didn't mean it like that."


I then started thinking about the "talk" I had with Vansh.

Then it dawned on me. "I need you to do me a favor, Mishra."

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