Chapter 46

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Kabir's pov  

I was familiar with the dark room in which I was sitting right now. White walls with no windows. And the only source of light was the lamp hanging over us. I never felt this distant and at the same time this involved in the same situation. Investigating was part of my job that I didn't enjoy much and today wasn't any different. The only thing I wished for was that the person sitting opposite me wasn't so familiar. Or better saying I wished it wasn't my own mother. 

"Uma and I were childhood best friends. She was the shy, simple and normal one and I was the beautiful, easy going and ambitious one. Everything was good until I met Ajay Raisinghania at college. We started to date but I was never interested in him. The reason I even talked to him was his rich friend. Your dad. One day Ajay confessed that he started to have feelings for my friend Uma and I was really okay with it because I didn't want him after all. So..." my mom...or I could say Anupriya Sharma took a pause like reliving those days. "After some weeks I finally asked your dad out. He accepted and we started to date and on the other hand Uma married Ajay. After college we parted our ways and lost contact. I married your dad after college and had you after some years. When you were three your grandfather passed away and the business went down...we were forced to sell everything, even our house to pay the debt. Your father turned out to be an addict and I think you remember what our condition was." she was lost in her own thoughts for a moment. "Then one day...I saw her in the market. I was really shocked. She had this...this look that belonged to me years back. She seemed happy, carefree and... for some reasons rich too. She wanted to catch up like old days and I was trying to avoid her because I was ashamed of my condition. She started to come to the market often and I came to know that she and Ajay had a fortune in their life and they were happy together." her tone was getting annoyed. "She had the life I dreamed about. A rich man who loved her, a family and a successful business. I should have been there. In her place instead. My only mistake was I fell for the wrong friend." viciousness was all in her eyes. I never saw her like this. I would have never imagined to witness this day in my life. But she was not paying any attention to me. She was lost in her flashback. "So I decided to correct my mistake. And the opportunity showed up on my door. A friend of ours was having her anniversary party. I and Uma were invited. I thought she was going to come alone and in order to clear my path I started to work on a specific plot.

"When I got to the party the first thing I did was to recognize her car and it was the most simple task because she had this fancy and expensive car gifted by Ajay of course. But fate had other plans. I didn't realise that she brought her husband too. And when I came to know that it was too late. I had already cut the brakes. I tried to warn them. But they left earlier and..." she lowered her eyes.

It was the hardest thing to admit that the lady in front of me was the woman I loved. The lady I admired for her strength. I idolized for my whole life. And now she was just a criminal. My heart aches every time I associate the word mother to her. 

Regaining my will power I asked "And the phone number you used? Was it yours?" 

She sighed and did speak at first. "Yes."

" belonged to an old man. Who was he?"

"I don't know. I found this sim card in this park. I kept it for no reason. But it was useful afterward."

"The location always resulted in strategic points. How was that?" my voice was robotic.

"I read somewhere that they used cell phone numbers and locations used to locate criminals. When the idea to kill Uma came to my mind I knew I should be really careful. So whenever I called her I used that sim in public places."

"The proofs I found. Where were they till now?"

"This guy...this man. To be specific, the photographer of the party just arrived after me. And he took pictures of me with the car. He blackmailed me and I promised him a big amount of money for his silence. The car was declared useless to prove anything because he knew the mechanic who checked it. We paid him and made a false report. So to keep everything safe we hide the photos and other things in the photographer's old studio."

"So why now?"

"It's all his fault. Your new friend Vansh. If it wasn't for him I would have never called the photographer again and asked him for the proof. You would have never reopened the case. No one would ever come to know what actually happened to the Raisinghanias. He should have also gone to the party in order to never meet you and died the same night as his parents.."

"Shut up!" I felt this new anger in me. "You killed people. You committed a crime. Instead of feeling sorry you're blaming Vansh. And not only yours also wishing his death too. How vicious could you be?"

"Son...I am sorry for what I did. But the reason we are here is that guy. He asked you to help him and convinced you to arrest me. But I know you love me and would never do that to me, right? Because I know your love for me is bigger than the friendship and affection for that little piece of shit."

I shock my head. "Incredibile. You are incredible. Just to be crystal clear I love him too. And not just as a friend but as a lover too. And now that you have turned into a vamp, I think I might love him more than I love you, Mother."

"What did you just say? As a what?" she got on her feet.

"I said I love him as my boyfriend. I wanted to tell you but now it doesn't matter because..."  

"You silly faggot... how dare to like men? I gave birth to a man not a queer..."

I got up and left the room because there was no chance in hell I was going to take her nonsense. She mattered to me until now. She was nothing for me now. I owed her nothing. 

But I owed something to someone. So I went to accomplish it. 


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