Chapter 40

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Kabir's pov 

It has been five days since I have talked to Vansh, since the day he left me. I hadn't had the desire to meet him for the first two days because I wanted to give him some time and space. Then I tried to call him but he didn't answer and yesterday I went to his mansion where the watchman didn't let me in because neither I was in the appointment list nor the person I wanted to meet was at home. 

I was driving home after a work day when I saw a known car and a known driver. I immediately took the u-turn and followed it. When I almost reached the Mercedes-Maybach, I blew the horn. The driver took the signal and gave me the space to overtake. I gave the maximum gas and once beyond the car and was sure that there was no one behind us I braked abruptly, stopping my car in front of his automobile. Took by the surprise, Shekar brusquely stopped the car just a few inches from mine. 

I got out of the car at the same moment Vansh's bodyguards came from the car behind and pointed their weapons toward me. Nonchalantly I continued walking toward them. Vansh opened the door and came out. 

"What's the matter with you? Are you insane or what?" he was frustrated.

"We need to talk." I simply said. 

"Is this your way to talk to someone?"

"I called you but you didn't answer."

"Because I don't want to talk to you, is that so complicated to understand."

I gave a look to the black dressed men around us. He notice my annoyingness toward the fool who thought that I could be scared my some stupid guns. He waved his hand to tell his men to get back to their car. 

"See Vansh, also the court gives the chance to the criminals to defend themselves, I also need the chance to explain myself. You just left me, without hearing my side of the story. And it's not fair to me and to our...friendship. If you want to close this, we both need a closer, I need a closer." I tried to convince. He seemed to have a second thought so I added: "Please, I won't ask for more."

He sighed. "You have from fifteen to twenty minutes, until I reach my office, to tell your fairy tale. And after that we are done forever. Alright?" he signed me to get in the car. 

"Done." I quickly seated into his Mercedes. "I really am..."

"Did I ask to talk?" I shook my head. "You'll only talk when asked to." he did something on his phone and after some minutes said: "Okay, Kabir. Your time starts now." 

"Before I tell you the whole truth you have to know that I really wished that I could have told you about it earlier but the situations didn't allow me to. I know it was my fault that you felt betrayed but that wasn't my intention. I never ever can think of hurting you. I didn't cheat on you and I didn't use you. The only secret that I kept from you was that Riddhima was a spy. When I was sent on a cruise holiday I was pissed. Pissed because you were interfering in my job. That is when I decided that I won't be on a holiday at all because a true officer is never off duty. I wanted to find proof against you. That you killed Neha and that you were involved in drugs. There was no other way left so Mishra suggested sending a girl spy, so you won't doubt her. Plus he happened to know this physiotherapist girl that was looking for a job. I personally met her and she was quite a simple young lady. She seemed harmless and I thought she was ideal for your sister Sia. The plan was to behave foreigner to each other during the cruise journey but that night at the pool game, some guys harassed her and we finished talking. So we pretended to flirt in front of you." He was emotionless, so I opted to continue. "When you told me what actually happened between you and Neha, I asked Mishra to inform Riddhima that it was all over, that she could resign now. We believed that she left everything and was back to her life, until I saw her at your mansion. I met her the day after to see why she was still there. She told me that she was doing good with Sia and she was loving her job. I suggested telling the truth to you but she requested not to because you could fire her and she didn't want to lose everything she earned, not just money but also a family. I...I am an alone man too, Vansh, I know what it means staying alone. I was happy for her and agreed to keep that thing for me." I waited a few seconds to continue. "I have nothing to do with her other than this. And whatever was between you and me was genuine. I really liked you. I was into you as much as you were with me. I liked spending time with you, spending my nights with you, laughing with and having a serious conversation with you but..." the car stopped and I took it as a red light for myself. I looked out and again at Vansh. "That's all. Thanks for your time." I sadly said and left his car.  

"No one asked you to leave." Vansh called back. 

I turned back to look at him. "Yeah but you said I have time until..."

"Yeah but I didn't say you could leave."

"But you have work to do..."

"You are a prophet now. You can read people's faces." I opened my mouth to say something but he continued. "You said the court. A court has a last judgment and the judge announces his verdict in it. We have that part missing in  our process. So follow me into my office." he turned and walked away. I thought to ignore him and leave but I couldn't. I followed him. The whole office was empty. I wondered why and then I noticed the time. Seven O'clock in the evening. He disappeared behind a door. I opened it and entered. Vansh's own office room was as fancy as his room. He took his seat behind the table. "Have a seat." He showed me the other chair. What was he trying to do?  I was clueless so I did what he asked me to do.  

"Suppose I believe you, that you last saw her the day after we confessed. So why was she calling you then that day?" He asked, swinging on his chair.

"She had some documents to sign for some formalities, as Mishra was working on a case and wasn't able to answer her phone so she called me to ask when she had to come." 

He got lost in his thoughts. "Any proof?" 

I messaged my head. "I don't have any proof. If you want to believe me, Vansh, the only thing I can offer is myself here. If you can't trust me I can understand, I can totally understand, but this is gonna finish here, forever." My throat was hurting while pronouncing these words but they were just stating some facts. "I won't disturb you again. But if you can, then try to trust me. I won't get anything else out of this. You know that the case is closed, why would I continue to act on all this. However the only thing that I'll get is just you. And is the only thing I want."

He stopped swinging back and forth. "Wow Kabir, is that so simple for you to finish this like it was nothing? Don't you think that I was hurt? Have you ever asked yourself what you did to me? Vansh Raisinghania, never trusted someone that much, a very wise decision. But you came and persuaded me to have faith in you, in us." He got up. "And you now talking about this finishing shit to me!" he almost shouted his last words.

"Oh great." I got on my feet too. "You think it was easy for me then? I have been miserable for the last five days! I tried not to go home because I always hoped you'll be there, maybe giving me another chance. Because when you told me the truth about Neha's accident, I believed you. I never asked for proof because I knew you wouldn't lie to me. But you, you refused to even listen to my part of the story!" I took steps toward him. 

"They were different situations, Kabir!" He took steps toward me.

"I know it was. But both demanded faith and trust!" Now we were just inches from each other.

"I can't trust you." he softly said. 


"Because you will hurt me again."

"I won't promise not to hurt you but what I can assure is that none of us will do something intentionally. We have to know that if we did something it was because we wanted the best for each other. And that is for both of us." I politely said. 

He stared into my eyes. Looking for something. When he found it, he took a step backward, he raised his chin up with his arrogant behavior. "The court declared Mr Kabir Sharma... not guilty." he smirked. "So Mr Sharma you may kiss the plaintiff now in the name of Peace." 

I frowned. "I'm confused. Are you a judge or a priest?" I asked. "Because..."

He rolled his eyes and closed our distance, putting his lips on mine. "You talk a lot, Inspector. For my sake, less chat and more actions."  he smiled and kissed me tenderly.


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