Valentine Special

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Hi guys! It's Maya here. I had this part in my mind since a lot, so as I had the occasion, I'm going to share it with you. Hope you'll like it. Wishing you a very late new year and I hope that you'll get to feel the same love that KaVa share. Lots of love, Maya. 

Vansh's POV

"I'm busy".

"Not now, Inspector. I'm doing something."

"Can we talk later? I have to go now. I'll come home late. Love you."

That's all I've been telling him for a week now. I know he's getting annoyed by my behavior, but I can't tell him anything else or I'll ruin everything. It's not that I don't want to tell him, but it's that I can't.

Today I came home late and I knew that Kabir should be at home because he didn't have the night-shift and also because he didn't tell me he had to go somewhere. As usual, I went to my room and when I opened the door, I found it empty. The lights were off, and there was no one in there. I took out my phone and checked if he had sent me a message, but I didn't see any new notification. Where can he be? Then I thought that maybe he's with the kids. My lovely boys. Once we got used to having our first child, Veer, around the house, Kabir and I decided to adopt another boy, Kiyansh. Kabir wanted to adopt a girl, but the law still doesn't give us the right to.

I reached the kids' room, and slowly opened the door, trying really hard not to make a lot of noise. Once I entered the room, I saw Kabir sleeping and hugging Kiyansh. Veer, on the other hand, was on his bed, sleeping soundly. Kiyansh was Kabir's little boy. He didn't let anyone say anything to him. And I did the same with Veer. He was my big strong little boy. I smiled looking at the scene in front of me and clicked the picture without knowing that the flashlight was on. As soon as I clicked the photo, the camera flashed the light. Everyone on the bed stirred in their sleep. Kabir opened his eyes, raised his head and looked at me.

"I'm sorry." I whispered. He stared at me for a few seconds, got up, checked if Veer and Kiyansh were still sleeping. He got out of the bed, dragged me out of the room by grabbing my arm.

"What do you think you're doing? You almost woke up the kids. It was hard enough getting them tucked in bed. Especially Veer. He kept asking when you'll be home because he wanted to tell you what happened to him at school." He whisper-shouted.

"I'm sorry." I said again. "I was trying to take a picture of you guys but I didn't know that my flash was on." I understand that it can become difficult for him to look after the kids when I'm not home and also go to work. "I'll try to get home early from today." I continued and cupped Kabir's face. I kissed his forehead and hugged him.

He hugged me back and said "Where were you? What are you doing these days? I almost never get to see you."

I smiled. "You'll find out, Inspector." I broke the hug and pecked his cheek.

"You better not be cheating on me, Mr. Raisinghania, or else you know what I'm capable of doing." He mumbled in my ear.

I smirked. "I can be found guilty on everything, but not in this, Inspector."

He pecked my cheek and mouthed "I know."

"Okay, so should we go to sleep?" I asked.

Now it was his turn to smirk. "No. This is your punishment for not telling me what you're up to and coming home late."

I looked at him shocked. "What? Come on, Kabir. What's the matter with you? I said I was sorry and that it will never happen again. You know I can't sleep without you." I pouted.

He shook his head. "No. You will sleep alone. Have a good lonely night, Prime Suspect." He gave me a smile and went inside again to the kids room.

I stayed there, staring at the door and feeling betrayed by my husband. And then an idea came to my mind. I went to my room, changed my clothes and came back to the kids' room. We will all sleep in the same room. I opened the door and slowly approached Veer's bed. There was a little space there, so I cuddled on the bed with him. Veer turned around, clearly annoyed because someone was ruining his sleep, again. He opened his eyes and looked at me.

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