Chapter 50

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Two months later

Kabir's pov

Alright. Today is the day. I can do this. I have to do this. Not just for Vansh but for myself too. Most importantly, I need to do this for us. It is very risky because it could affect our relationship forever. We can't just skip this part of our lives, we need them in our lives.

Vansh put his hand on my shaking leg. "Stop it, Kabir."


"Are you sure about it? I know you chose this by yourself but it's okay if you are not ready now. We can still ditch and go to dinner somewhere else."

"No! I can do this, Vansh. We will go through this."

"Of course we can, baby. But the problem here isn't us but the fact that if you are not completely ready, I can wait. We have all the time for ourselves."

I took his hand in my hands. "I know. And I also know that your family is everything for you. And I want to be part of that family too."

He took a deep breath. "Wrong!"


"First off, my family isn't the only one thing, I have a very cute and romantic boyfriend too. And second off you are already a part of that family." he kissed my forehead. That made me blush hard. How can he be so convincing? "But... I don't get why you are nervous then?"

Because. "Because I am afraid that they won't like me." but that wasn't the only concern and he knew it.

"And?" He waited for me to finish.

"And... and what if they won't approve?"

"Approve what?"




"Because what Kabir?"

"Because I am a boy and because you are a boy too Mr. Raisinghania."

"They already know that I like men too."

"Yeah're going to tell them that you want to spend your life with a guy and not a beautiful lady instead."

"Okay now Kabir. Enough of talking now. Let's see what happens next. Okay? Now I'm gonna get out of this car and open the door for you and you are going to meet my family and let them accept you as their daughter-in-law."

"Hey." I smack him on his shoulder. "I'm a man too, okay? So they are gonna accept me as their son-in-law."

"Same thing." he shrugged. "At the end I am the one who will bang you at night."

"Vansh!" I looked around to make sure no was out. Of course no one was out because we were in his parking lot for almost an hour now. Please behave in front of your family. "Please behave in front of your family. Do not embarrass me like this."

He laughed. "Will try."

He was about to open his door when I grabbed his arm to stop him. "And..." I brought my mouth near his ear and said: "You can't be sure about banging me every night because I wanna remind you that I banged you too sometimes." I moved a little back, facing him "And we both know that you loved it." I whispered. The look on his face was priceless and it was my time to laugh out loud.

"You are gonna pay me this, Inspector. Let's get this all over with and pray to god to walk tomorrow."

"We will see. But for now, come and get my door."

"At your service, Sir."

"I can't breathe!" I shouted and collapsed on my bed.

"Really? I couldn't see that." he laughed. And it wasn't the first time today he was enjoying himself because he really had a good laugh when his grandmother, who I actually fell in love with in just two seconds, put a handful of food on my plate not once, not twice but three times. So I had breakfast, lunch and dinner in one meal only. I am not gonna eat anything tomorrow.

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