Chapter 21 (Vansh's POV)

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Vansh's pov

I was leaning on Kabir, while he was trying to get me to my room. We were now going there after dropping that girl at hers. When we reached the door, he stopped.

"The keys." He ordered.

"Mmmm?" I mumbled faking tiredness

"Give the keys."

"Get them." I continued to mutter.

He let out a long sigh. "Where are they?"

"I don't know."

"What do you mean you don't know?"

"I mean I don't know."

He groaned in frustration and leaned me on the wall near the room's door. He then started to check my blazer's pocket, and I was having fun watching him struggle. When he didn't find anything, his hands started to go down where my pant's pockets were. After he finished searching the keys, he asked. "They are not here. Where are they?"

There was one place where he didn't inspect. This was going to be fun. I was going to smirk, but remember that I was drunk.

"But you didn't check my back pockets." I said murmuring.

"What?!? You had them all this time there, but you're telling me now?" he questioned angrily. He took three deep breaths to calm himself down, and continued " Okay, so now give them to me."

"Nuh-uh. You get them. I'm tired."

"You must be kidding me." I shook my head. "Look, Vansh. Give me the keys." he tried to command. I liked it. I liked that he tried to boss me. So sad for Kabir, because Vansh Raisighania does what he wants.


"Vansh." he said in a stern voice.

"Kabir" I mimicked him

"Vansh." he whined.

"Kabir." I continued to copy him. I saw his lips twitching upward, but he controlled him from smiling.

"I'm not getting them from your back pocket." he stated.

"Why not?"

"Because..." he trailed off.


"Ughh" he grumbled before pulling me from the wall and started to look for the keys.

"There isn't anything. Not even your wallet."

"Oh. I think I left it at the bar."

"You left your wallet in the bar?"


"Okay. look, I'm going down to get your wallet, and you will stay here" he started to go but then stopped. "If you feel dizzy, sit d- no, wait." He came back to me and made me sit. He sighed in relief "Okay now I can go."

After that, he ran down. When I was sure he was gone, I stretched myself and smirked.

I'm a fantastic actor. He didn't even suspect that his prime suspect was faking to be drunk.

It was not like I was sober, I had a few drinks down, nevertheless I wasn't drunk. I've never done this before. I just wanted to see Kabir's reaction on this. While he was in the washroom, this idea came up in my mind, so I relaxed my head on Riddhima's shoulder and told her that I wasn't feeling good, that's why she started to rub her hand on my shoulder. And when Kabir tapped on hers and my shoulder, I didn't turn. He asked her what happened, she said I was feeling sick because I drank a lot, which made me laugh. But the most important thing was when he said that he wanted to handle me, and when my weight was on him, he sighed in relief, asking me if I needed something. In that moment, I was feeling giddy, knowing that he somehow cared about my needs. Since I was faking it, to piss him a little bit, I moaned that I wanted a drink, and obviously ordered one. But when he said that was enough, I heard a little concern in his voice, so I told him that I wanted to go to my room.

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