Chapter 22

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Kabir's Pov

Finally the Cruise week was over. I was happy that I could finally go back to my work but on the other hand I was also feeling a little sad because I enjoyed myself here, apart from the initial days, of course. And the other reason was that I couldn't be friends with Vansh anymore after this. We were not anymore two people who were travelling together on a peaceful sea journey. We'll be again a suspect and a police officer.

I took my suitcase and the keys and left the room and went to the receptionist to hand over the card and to check-out. When I was in the elevator I looked down and saw all the Raisinghanias.

It was the high time to say good-bye to my friend. I hate good-byes.... Yeah, hate. I don't remember much from the other night but I had some vivid images. And the word hate somehow recalled an image of Vansh from that night. The one and only thing that is clearly printed in my mind is the closeness of Vansh. So close that I could feel his breath on my skin. And don't know from where the hate word came, but yes it was surely used. Maybe it was just because we were both drunk and did a nonsense talk and used aimless words.

We haven't talked after that night-out because when I woke up, he was still sleeping and I was feeling so lost that I left without letting him know.

So yeah, I'm here with a heavy heart and no wish to say BYE!

The lift doors opened and I headed to drop off my keys.

"Good morning,sir." the receptionist said a little distracted.

"Good morning." I put my card on the table.

"Just a moment sir, my computer is still working on the card."

"All right."

She smiled at me apologetically as it was taking more than a moment. "How was your stay, sir?" she said to fill the silent wait.

"It was good, thanks. But it could have been better if I had seen you before." I was just complimenting her as a gentleman.

"Oh well, that's bad." She blushed and her cheeks became pink.

Oh I didn't expect that much of a reaction but it was okay for me.

Something fell from the table and she bent over toward me to see what it was.

"It's a pen, I'll get it." I took the pen and handed it to her. A stand of her hair stucked in the call bell.

"Ouch" she said and tried to pull her hair but couldn't.

I put the pen on the table. "Let me help you." I untangled the hair and in an automatic reaction I tucked the stand of hair behind her ear. If she was just pink before now she was red.

"Thank you." She blushed even harder. "Oh here we are." She did some typing on the computer and looked at me with a smile.

I was really confused.

"Um your keys,sir." she politely pronounced.

"Oh sorry." I gave the key to her. " Hope to see you...again."

She gave me a voucher. "Have a good day, sir."

"You too." I turned and left.

The hall was crowded as everyone was waiting for the cruise to open the door. Someone spelled my name and I knew who it was. I found two intense dark brown eyes looking straight into my soul. Oh my god! What's the matter with me? Why I continuously pay attention to tiny things of his.

"Hey." I simply greeted.

"So the best week of your life is over I guess." Vansh said with a fake ironic accent.

"I can say so." Why was he here? To taunt me?

There was a silent moment where Vansh seemed to be a little annoyed with something. But I didn't say anything because first I wasn't in the mood to talk, second that wasn't the right time to fight and third... I... I didn't want to ruin that moment.

He sighed, and as I said, he decided to ruin that moment. "I didn't know you were a woman charmer."

"Excuse me?" what he was talking about.

"Oh come on Kabir, you said we are friends, right? You can tell me stuff like that."

"What stuff?" What was his point in all this?

"First Riddhima and now the Receptionist... Is there anyone that I left out? 'Coz you know I wasn't always around."

"Are you out of your mind? Do you think I'm that kind of man?" he was accusing of being a manwhore? I took a deep breath. "I was just trying to be gentle and polite in both cases. My intentions weren't as cheap as your thinking. And that's none of your business with whom I talk until I'm not misbehaving with a girl."

"Whoa! Take a chill pill Kabir. I was just kidding" He put his hand on my chest. I didn't realise that I was going closer to him.

I pushed his hand and took a step back. I was again losing myself without any valid reason. I messaged my head with my hand. " See I'm sorry. I... I'm not that guy. I respect women and..."

"It's okay Kabir. I was just trying to have fun talking." he said relaxing a little.

I really didn't feel that he was kidding. He was quite pissed and stated the girls mark with a harsh tone. But anyway the doors finally open.

I didn't know what to do so I held my hand. "Thanks for everything, Vansh."

He took my hand and gave it a shake. Nodding he pulled me closer for a hug. I hugged him back and when I was pulling myself back someone called him. I turned right and he to left and by accident my lips hit his cheek. We stayed there for a sec as a shock reaction I least I hope. We both jumped back at the same moment.

"See you very soon Kabir." Vansh said and went away so fast that didn't give me the time to speak.

He left me there with his beard pinch sensation still on my face. Shit! I've really lost my sense.

"Hope to see you soon Vansh" I whispered.

Once on the real ground I felt very good. I pulled my bag to leave but someone stopped me.

"Oh hello."

"I think it's time to say good-bye." Riddhima said shyly. "I'm here to say thanks and...bye."

"You don't need to thank me. It was my duty. And if you need any help in the future I'll be glad to help you."

"Yeah." She took her purse and got a pen and a piece of paper. She wrote something and gave it to me. I took the note and read. It was her number.

"Wait. I'll give you mine." I ripped the paper into two and borrowed the pen from her and wrote mine. I gave her the number and noticed that Vansh was watching me. When our eyes met he turned furiously and went to his family.

"Okay thanks." She took her bag and waved me bye.

I smiled back and left the port. Hoping that this week never happened. But taking my words back because if not for this week I wasn't able to know Vansh as a... friend. a friend.

Author Note: Here I'm again. Really sorry for the wait, I've been busy with some stuff. But I hope that this chapter will compensate for the time. 💓

P.S.: Please VOTE, comment and share.

Lots of love.


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