Chapter 28 (Vansh's POV)

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Vansh's pov

It was time to tell him everything. I didn't know why but I felt like I had to explain myself to him, therefore he didn't think I'm a criminal and we could be friends. The thought of not being his friend or not being able to see him, gave me an unsettling feeling. And I didn't like that. He asked me if I killed her colleague, and to me they seemed pretty close by the way. But before asking it straight away, he said something that made my heart do many flips: "Okay. I really wish that we could bring this" he gestured to us "forever. But there is something which obstacles it. I want to be your friend without having any guilt."

Three thing continued to repeat in my head:

Bring this forever

Want to be your friend

Without having any guilt.

He wanted this. He wanted the friendship we built. And if telling the truth will lead us to continue the friendship he wanted, I was ready to tell him everything.

But there is a question in the back of my head that came up when Kabir asked if I had a split personality or if I really didn't kill his colleague. I will ask him later. I kind of hope that it's just some stupid question.

I made a neutral face, and interrupted him by saying "It's okay, Kabir." I let pass some seconds before continuing "I will tell you everything."

He gaped at me. "Really?!?"

"Yes. what did you think? After the emotional speech you did about us being friends forever, me calling the ambulance for you, you thinking I have dissociative identity disorder, I would have refused to answer your question?"

"No, I just... nothing. Let's get started. What happened? How happened? Why were you two on the roof? Did you talk? And if you did, what did you talk about?"

Woah. He got excited. "Calm down, Kabir."

"Yeah sorry."

"It's okay. I know you want to know what happened to your colleague. I understand."


"Okay. Tell me first what you saw when you arrived there."

"When I arrived at that building, I saw her falling down. I ran towards her, and when I reached her, she was still breathing. I asked who did that to her, so she raised her hand towards the top of the building where someone, I mean, you were watching us from above."

I nodded my head. He didn't see what was happening on the roof. I made a big sigh and started to tell him what happened that night. It's not like I didn't want to do it, but I wanted to wait some time before coming to this. But now, there's no going back.

"As you know, in that building there was a party held by a business partner an-" before I could say anything further he interrupted me.

"Can you tell me the name of the business friend?"

Since I'm telling the whole story I continue "My business partner Virendra Shekhawat because he had a huge profit. At some point at the party I noticed your friend (I stressed the word friend, because I don't know, they seemed pretty close and I didn't like it.) going around the hall, observing the people present. At that time I didn't even know who she was." I paused before carrying on. "After some time, I received a call from my Dadi, therefore I went to answer it, and since there was so much noise in the hall, I went on the roof to speak to her. When I ended the call, and turned to go down I saw that girl behind watching me. 'May I help you?' I asked. 'You are Vansh Raisinghania, aren't you?' she kind of accused me. I agreed and then she started to advance towards me. I took one step behind before advancing and passing her. But before I could get out she grabbed my arm and stopped me. As she was a girl I didn't say anything about touching me without permission, but I wasn't okay with it." To tell the story further I stood up and started to walk back and forth. "I turned and raised my eyebrow at her. She took the word and said 'I know you.' 'Everyone knows me.' I said with a smirk. 'Well, I also know what you do and how you have so much money. 'Oh yeah? Would you like to tell me?' I questioned her. 'You ruin people's lives by smuggling drugs.' In the meanwhile I was taking one step forward and she was taking one step back. When I saw that there was no space to take back, I stopped. I didn't want her to fall and kill herself, just because she was accusing me of smuggling drugs, even though I don't even know why she would think that. That's exactly what I asked her. But before answering she took a step back and she stumbled on something on the floor and went flying back and fell. I took two big steps to take her hand but before I could do anything... she was already falling."

I stopped talking and turned to watch Kabir's expression. He took some seconds, taking in everything I said, before starting blabbering. "So... This... You... didn't... Neha... accident." He looked up at me and questioned "So why did you run away?"

"Because when I went near the end of the roof I saw you near her, and then you looked up and you saw me watching. I went downstairs to see if she was still breathing this way I could call an ambulance."

"This means you weren't running away."

"No. I was going downstairs, I bumped into you and went to check on her, but she was already dead. I knew you were going upstairs to catch me, and that you noticed me, and it was quite obvious that you will follow me, so I brought you to that place where we had... that fight."

"It was an accident."

"Yes, Kabir. I already told you that."

He suddenly got up and threw his arms around my neck, hugging me. I wrapped my arms around him. It felt so good. I felt complete, like I found something that was missing.

"I'm so happy and relieved. You don't know how my heart was beating while you were telling me the story. I didn't know what I would have done if you were the one who pushed her down." he said, still hugging me.

After a few seconds, he let me go, and I felt cold air hitting me.

"It was all an accident. I'm so happy. I mean, I'm still sad for what happened to Neha but at least you weren't involved in it." he smiled.

I let my heartbeat to calm down from the hug, before asking him what was on my mind before telling him the truth.

"Kabir, as I told you honestly what happened, I want you to do the same. I want you to answer my question."

"Okay." he said, a little bit tense.

"Were you-were you being friends with me just because you wanted to know the truth?" I asked with my heart in my throat with anticipation.

His face expression changed from a tense one to a hurt one and he said. "What?!? NO!! Why would I do that?Is that what you think about me? After spending a week with me, a whole day with me, is that what you think?"

"No, it's not like that. It's just... that when you asked to tell you everything that happened out of the blue... this idea came to my mind."

He shook his head.

I was going to say something but someone rang the doorbell.

"I'll answer it."Kabir said.

He went to the door and there appeared my driver.

"It's your driver. I think we should call it a night now."

"But Kabir-"

"I really think you should go."

"What about the bet I won?"

"Just text me the day you can have me, I'll manage."

I nodded. "Okay, then. Good night. " I turned to go but stopped. "There's another thing I wanted to tell you before going: I had fun."

When I was about to get out, Kabir said "Good night."

I closed the door, and headed towards my car. I didn't want to leave like this. I wanted to sort out everything before going away. I wanted to finish happily the night before going to VR Mansion. But my doubt ruined the beautiful day we spent together. And I didn't like how his face showed how hurt he was from my question. I didn't like the idea of him being hurt or sad because of me, because it pained me to know that. 


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