Chapter 33

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Kabir's pov

The car stopped in front of VR mansion. The day was almost over but this time I wasn't afraid that this could be our last day together because deep down I knew that this relationship... I mean friendship wasn't going to be less long.

The mansion was quite like there was no one in there. "Where are your family members?"

"Oh they are at a family friend's function, they'll stay there till tomorrow." he said.

"The servants and your body guards?"

"Oh my God Kabir, how many questions! Most of the servants should have finished their work, but there should be cooks in the kitchen and my bodyguards are gone because I don't need them anymore for today. Now stop investigating, please, relax and let me relax." he said, opening his blazer's buttons.

"I wasn't investigating! I was just asking."

"Yeah whatever." he sat on the sofa. I followed him.

He leaned on the couch and closed his eyes. I followed his action but instead of closing my eyes I watched him. Captured his beautiful face, took a photo of it and saved it in my brain's memory card forever. His shaved look allowed me to see his real face without the beard mask on it. It's weird how a layer on your face could hide your features. Some people use the beard to hide their face because they are not comfortable with it all exposed but in his case there was no need to put a veil on such a good looking thing.

"Enjoying the view?" Vansh interrupted my thoughts, his eyes were still closed so he couldn't see my embarrassment.

"What?" I faked not to get him.

He opened his eyes and got straight. " mansion. Do you like it?" he smirked. He knew I was observing him but he changed the subject.

"Yeah, very much."

At that moment a cook entered with some water and told us that the dinner was ready.

"Come, I'll show the bathroom, so you can fresh-up." Vansh signed me to follow him, brought me to his room and showed me the bathroom. "There are some clothes in this closet if you need to change. Let me know if you need something, I'll be out there." he closed the door and disappeared.

The bathroom was quite big and smelled like Vansh. I wanted to stay there and feel the smell forever but I couldn't. I freshened up and opened the closet to get a t-shirt because my blazer and shirt were stinky. I found a white t-shirt and put it on.

When I went back to his room, Vansh was already there and was now wearing his nightwear.

"I need to put this in my car." I said showing my changed clothes.

"Don't worry, leave it here, the house helpers will wash them and will send them to you." he took them and left them with his clothes. I wanted to protest but thought it would be a waste of time, after all he is a stubborn man.

We had dinner while watching some news and shared our thoughts about what's-going-on-this-earth. Good to know that we have something in common.

"Let's have a walk." Vansh offered after dinner. Behind his mansion there was a whole park.

"Is this all yours?" I wondered.


While walking I noticed a little wood house. It was old and wrecked. "What's that?" I pointed.

He didn't answer at first and sighed as he was suffering while speaking. "That was a house built by my dad. It was made for Siya and Ishani. They actually never played with it but we never wanted to remove it."

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